Thursday Spotlight: 1 July 2021


We are very excited to have David Galvan from Life Network delivering the sermon on Sunday, July 11.

David will be speaking on the topic of mental illness, suicide and faith. David summarizes his message as follows:

Those living with mental illness, thoughts of suicide, and thoughts of hurting people need to know that they are not alone, and we are here for them. We can be those who will hear their story, love them just as much after they tell it, and journey with them towards hope.

This is a very special opportunity for our Church family to hear directly from an outstanding and experienced speaker, sharing his thoughts and experiences in an arena that affects every one of us. Please don't miss this important message of encouragement and hope.

Who is David Galvan?

David Galvan is the director of Education for a Lifetime, an outreach of Life Network. He has been teaching, training, and facilitating conversations with students about healthy relationships since 2010.

David has been in 24 High School campuses in El Paso County and has personally spoken to over 25,000 students. For the past 4 years, he has been working with suicide prevention and awareness with students and faith communities, helping to reduce the stigma around mental health and encouraging students to know they are needed, loved, and valued.

On a county level, David is a part of the El Paso County Youth Suicide Prevention Workgroup and sits on their steering committee. He is a certified trainer in Youth Mental Health First Aid and has trained over 700 community members. He is dedicated to the mission of Education for a Lifetime -- that every student should have healthy, non-violent relationships, and have access to help and hope to live purposefully.


The memorial service for Jain Paauw is scheduled for Friday, July 9 at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 2845 Parliament Drive in Colorado Springs. The service time and other details are still being worked out with the family. We will share the specifics as soon as we have them. We continue to pray for Glenn and the family, that our loving and merciful God will give them comfort in this time of loss and grief.

Don Lash, the father of Stephanie Pollard, is showing some improvement in the hospital. The Pollard and Lash families are so grateful for the prayers and support. Let's keep Don and the family lifted up to the Lord. May God's mercy abound and may He bring Don through this health crisis to a full recovery.