What is Anglican Christianity?
Anglican Christianity is rooted in the ancient faith and practice of the first century church and developed in the English Reformation. Driven by a missionary focus, Anglicanism has been about the work of making disciples for over 500 years and has expanded into a global church.
We worship the triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and we are committed to the Word of God as our first source for God’s revelation to us, for the conduct of our lives, and for the content and mission of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.
A rich worship experience is a key ingredient of our Anglican heritage. We embrace an interactive liturgy and emphasis on the sacraments of Baptism and Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) instituted by Jesus himself.
We are a member of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains, part of The Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). As an ACNA church we subscribe to the Apostles and Nicene creeds and the 39 Articles.
Learn more about the historic Christian faith we confess and practice.
DRM POLICY for prevention and reporting of sexual misconduct
Holy Trinity Anglican Church is also committed to the prevention of sexual abuse and sexual misconduct. This Diocesan Policy describes standards, screening procedures, prevention training and the handling of sexual misconduct complaints involving clergy and staff employees of the Church.
THe Church Year
Learn more about the sacred rhythms of the Christian seasons.
Find resources for our common prayer and about the Book of Common Prayer.