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Special Events
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Holy Trinity invites artists of all mediums to submit work reflecting on the season of Lent.
Beginning on the first Sunday of Lent (March 9th) we will be partnering once again with Welcome COS to help support, encourage, and love the refugees in our community. The need is great and it is where we've sensed Jesus' calling in these recent days.
All are invited to this evening contemplative prayer service led by the HTAC choir. This is a wonderful opportunity for prayer, worship, and reflection as we approach Holy Week.
Our Palm Sunday services on April 13 will be at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM, our normal service times.
Both services will include a dramatic reading of the Passion Story from the Gospel of Matthew. We need individuals, young and not-so-young, to be readers of the various parts and roles included in the dramatic reading.
If you are willing to read one of the parts, please contact the Church Office.
This dramatic reading is an integral part of the Palm Sunday service. We need a minimum of 7 individual readers for this piece, but we can accommodate up to twice that number, if available. Please volunteer and help us out.
Maundy Thursday service @ 6:30 PM - This special service celebrates the Last Supper and the washing by Jesus of the feet of his disciples.
Friday, April 18: Last Words of Jesus @ Noon - This 3-hour service features short reflections on each of the last seven statements made by Jesus before his death on the cross.
Good Friday Evening Service with Tenebrae @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM - We are especially excited about these two special services on Good Friday, which recall the death and burial of Jesus.
Good Friday Evening Service with Tenebrae @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM - We are especially excited about these two special services on Good Friday, which recall the death and burial of Jesus.
He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!!
Easter Sunday is the high point of the Christian year, where we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ from the dead! Our traditional services at 8:30 and 10:45 are joyful and celebratory, including the ringing bells! While we have some jingle bells and small cowbells that we provide, you are encouraged to bring (or purchase) a bell of your own for this exciting day of praise. (You can bring something cowbell-ish, something school bell-ish, or something more jingle bell-ish. Get creative! The point is to have a lot of JOYFUL NOISE!) And don't forget the baptisms!! We will also have baptisms on Easter Sunday, at both services!
Here are a few considerations as you plan for Easter morning and our worship services:
SERVICE TIMES: We will have services at our regular times - 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.
BAPTISMS: We are so excited for baptisms and look forward to celebrating with these families.
SEATING: We are anticipating quite a few visitors on Easter Sunday. We have moved our overflow seating into the Annex, where we have more room. We'll have rows of chairs in that space, so folks who cannot find a seat in the Sanctuary can watch the service on the big screen TV.
As you plan your Easter Sunday morning, you may want to consider attending the 8:30 service. Typically, on Easter morning, we have seating available during the early service, but the 10:45 service nearly always exceeds our capacity in the Sanctuary. If you are willing to come to the earlier service, that might open a seat or seats for those visiting for the later service.
After our single 9:30 AM worship service, we will host our annual Easter Feast potluck brunch in the Fellowship Hall.
This event is a great opportunity to celebrate the arrival of the Easter Season (which leads up to Ascension Day and Pentecost) and to enjoy fellowship and conversation with our Church family and visitors from the community.
The Church will provide meat for the meal. We invite everyone to bring a brunchy-lunchy side dish to share.
We need YOU to help us make this year's event a huge success. We need volunteers to help with setup, decorations, food serving and placement, and of course, cleanup. If you would like to help, please email the church office.
More details coming soon!
This will be a time set apart for us to simply bless Jesus with grateful, adoring love — and let any conversations about church planting arise out of that place as we hang out and share a meal together. Childcare provided (please register HERE)!
The women of HTAC are invited to gather over zoom for a Lenten Bible Study with Stevie Reeser and Laura Laurie. We will be going through Navpress's study on the Passion of our Lord
Ash Wednesday Services will take place on March 5th at 7am and 6:30pm.
Ash Wednesday Services will take place on March 5th at 7am and 6:30pm.
Pancakes will be provided by Holy Trinity so come with the family and enjoy a feast with some good friends.
We are partnering with Welcome COS to provide some much needed resources for refugees in our city.
All who want to experience this incredible blessing when the Bishop visits are welcome to learn more through these classes offered by Pastor Matt.