All Zoom links FOUND HERE.
Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)
Wednesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom
Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)
Sunday @ 10 AM: Sunday Communion Service on site and via Zoom - Pastor Matt will be preaching.
Thank You for Your Support for the Walk for Life!
Dear Church, Thank you so much for supporting the Walk for Life - whether you walked, sponsored, or prayed. Look at what we accomplished together:
$4,000 raised,
25 walkers (including children) at Memorial Park or in neighborhoods,
22 sponsor donations (individuals, couples, or families),
countless prayers.
We are making a huge difference in our community!
Life Network works in Colorado Springs to support and protect the value of life. Walk for Life helps Life Network to continue offering these free services: pregnancy tests, pregnancy options counseling, STD testing and treatment, ultrasounds, baby clothing and furnishings, parenting education, childbirth and infant care classes, emergency baby supplies, maternity clothing, post-abortion recovery groups, education on sexual integrity and risk-avoidance, suicide prevention & awareness education for students. ($50 helps one mother and baby!) This year, Life Network surpassed their goal and can offer more than expected!
Thank you again,
Click HERE to see the Thank You video.
An Update on Missions and Outreach
Our own Treasurer, Ross Eastman, will be sharing a few words on Sunday about his experiences as a volunteer at Springs Rescue Mission in Colorado Springs.
Holy Trinity has been a financial supporter of Springs Rescue Mission for many years, as part of our Local Missions & Outreach ministries. Every quarter, Holy Trinity distributes 10% of the tithe funds received by the Church to ministries in the local area and abroad. We support organizations like Tri Lakes Cares, Mercy's Gate, Life Network, Greater Europe Missions, Christ Church Jerusalem, and Springs Rescue Mission.
But the funds we provide are only a part of the picture.
Our brothers and sisters also invest time and energy into these organizations, coming alongside to provide labor, expertise and encouragement. Whether it's Ryan Paradis leading the Giving Tree program every Christmas for Tri Lakes Cares, or Ashley Carlson coordinating the Operation Christmas Child effort, or Andrea Wilcox setting up the Compassion Sunday displays, or Priscilla Stata spearheading the Walk for Life, or Ross helping out at Springs Rescue Mission - those who get personally involved in the work of these ministries learn quickly that blessings abound when we give of our selves.
If you are interested in connecting with any of the ministry organizations we support, please contact the Church Office for more information.