Youth Ministries
Holy Trinity’s youth ministry meets regularly for 7th-graders through high schoolers. From September through May, the students meet on Sundays, after the second service, from 12 to 2 PM for lunch, games, and then a lesson.
Currently, the youth group team is walking the students through YM360’s Thread curriculum, but also once a month invite in other adults to share their testimonies of working in their fields and then hosts a lively discussion related to apologetics or cultural controversies. The goal is that with a biblical foundation, we want to follow Kinnaman and Matlock’s recommended practices for young people from Faith for Exiles:
1. Intimacy with Jesus
2. Cultural discernment
3. Intergenerational relationships
4. Vocational discipleship
5. Countercultural mission
If you (or your child) is between 7th-12th grade and would be interested in participating in Holy Trinity's youth ministry, please contact the Heather at Parents are always welcome to participate!
2024-25 Event Schedule
Make sure to complete Parental Consent Form for year.
Nov. 16 Ice Skating Acacia Park
Feb. 14-17 Winter Retreat With IAC and Restoration
May 3 City Serve (9-Noon), then 1-2:30 Altitude Ninja Gym
July 11-13 Camping Trip