Missions & Outreach
“And you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8
With this vision from Acts 1:8 as our calling, Holy Trinity has been and continues to be a strong supporter of local outreach and international missions. A full ten percent of income is given away each quarter to a variety of ministries. With the guidance of our Senior Pastor and the Leadership Team, the Missions & Outreach Team identifies nonprofits, ministry organizations, missionaries and missions organizations to which we distribute outreach funds quarterly in one-time support payments and ongoing support commitments.
In the Anglican world, World Mission Sunday is celebrated each year on the second to last Sunday of Epiphany. This day has specifically been set aside to remind us of our membership in the global church, and our call to make disciples of all nations.
ACNA Archbishop Steve Wood wrote in a recent letter: “In North America alone, there are 130,000,000 people who face a Christless eternity. Expanding our view to the world, there are 5,270,000,000 who live apart from Christ. And the simple truth is that our Lord and Savior entrusted into our hands the remedy for their sin-sick souls. We look far too closely at results. Our Lord looks for obedience.”
Here at Holy Trinity, 10% of all general fund giving is set aside and then sent out to support the work of bringing the Gospel and the love of Jesus to those who need it. Those funds are distributed locally, regionally, and of course, internationally.
In 2023, we sent just over $23,000 to international missionaries and ministries. In 2024, that number increased to more than $31,000
Our support dollars for international missions landed in Great Britain, India, Cuba, Columbia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Myanmar, Thailand, Iraq, Tanzania, Guatemala, and Lebanon.
We supported health care and welfare ministries, such as Beatitude Care Foundation in Nigeria, and the SHADE ministry in Tanzania. We supported ministries that provide life skills training and discipleship for at-risk youth and adults in India (Care2Share Ministry) and in Thailand (Joy To The World Foundation). Our distributions provided care and respite to missionaries from around the world, through Sonscape Retreats and Great Europe Missions.
And of course, we provided direct financial support to missionaries in Africa (the Weeldreyers), Iraq (the Stakers), Myanmar (Ma Sandar Nwe), Lebanon (Nadine Gerges), and Guatemala (the Musch family).
As you’ve probably heard, Rob Abraham and Amy Schulte are leading a scouting team this Spring to Guatemala to work with the Musch family to identify ministry opportunities for a larger missions/outreach project from Holy Trinity in 2025. The folks going to Guatemala for this scouting trip are, as we speak, raising support to help cover their costs to fly to Guatemala and for lodging and food while they are there.
We’d like to encourage everyone to chip in on this project and make sure the costs for this team are covered completely through the Church.
Our outreach distributions, whether given locally, domestically, or internationally, are a part of Holy Trinity’s obedient response, as ArchBishop Wood exhorted, to God’s call for the Body of Christ to engage on behalf of the 5 billion who do not yet know Jesus.
One final plug: our financial distributions to missions and outreach here at Holy Trinity are managed by a small team of people who meet quarterly to make decisions on who should receive and how much should be received from the funds set aside for missions & outreach. We need volunteers for this team, individuals who have a heart for outreach and who can offer just a couple of hours each quarter to help us make informed and Holy-Spirit-inspired decisions on how best to apply our outreach funds. If you are interested, please connect with me. I’d love to tell you more about our team.
Thank you.
Deacon Mark Summers