The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost (3 November 2024)
Single service times: 8:30am and 10:45am
We will broadcast our Sunday services over Zoom. You can find the Zoom link for the services on THIS PAGE.
The Collect and the Scripture readings for our Sunday services are always POSTED HERE on our Sunday Readings Page. We are currently preaching a series on the Book of Philippians.
Sunday Collect
Twenty-Fourth sunday after pentecost (proper 26)
Grant us, Lord, not to be anxious about earthly things, but to love things heavenly; and even now, as we live among things that are passing away, to hold fast to those that shall endure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Pastor Matt Burnett
This Sunday Includes:
Quiet activity bags are available for kids (and adults) both services at the back of the sanctuary.
Fellowship Hour is between the 8:30am and 10:45am service and includes coffee and snacks.
Nursery will be available during the 10:45 service until communion.
Children's Catechesis for Preschool (age 4) - 6th grade will run during the 10:45am service. Check-In is before the 10:45am service by the front door. Children are dismissed before the sermon and parents are asked to pick up their children during the "Peace" before Communion.
Middle and High School Youth Discipleship will meet after the second service from 12pm-2pm in the Annex.