The Rev. Matt Burnett
Senior Pastor
Most importantly, I am married to Lauren, (since 1983) and am father to 3 sons: Chris (born 1991), Jeremy (born 1993), and Alex (born 1998). I am originally from Dallas, Texas and attended Texas A&M University where I played soccer and received undergraduate and graduate degrees (whoop!) in Health Education focused on International Health and then Urban and Regional Planning specializing in Health and Health Care Systems in Developing Countries.
After graduate school I went to work for Compassion International. Lauren and I lived in the Dominican Republic; then we and 2 of the boys lived in Australia. I am deeply grateful and humbled to have also worked with amazing colleagues in another 16 countries. Continuing the trend, Lauren currently works at Compassion. She also raised 3 boys and remodeled a 100+ year-old Victorian in Pittsburgh, amongst other things. Just sayin’.
After sneaking 95% of a M.Ed., I later founded and was Owner/President of Knowledge Builders Inc., a small training and consulting company that designed or developed or implemented technical documentation and training, including stand-up instruction, web- and DVD-based instruction, and live simulation instruction amongst other types for companies such as IBM, The National Forest Service, US West Communications, MCI and British Telecom, Oracle, The South American Missionary Society, and Trinity School for Ministry.
I am doing doctoral work on how imagination can reinvigorate theology and renew Faith. I am honored to support the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains as the Canon to the Ordinary, and my dream job is my current one - Senior Pastor of Holy Trinity Anglican Church.
Email Pastor Matt at
The Rev. jeff stone
associate pastor
I was born and raised in northern California. I am an avid 49ers and Giants fan. I also love soccer (football), specifically Manchester City. I played soccer from the age of 5 all the way through college, and I coach from time to time. I met my wife, Becca, while in college in Omaha, Nebraska where I studied Christian Education. Becca and I have been married for almost 21 years now. We have four children: Kyla (19), Kaelyn (15), Keller (9), and Korbin (4).
In 2007 I earned my M.A. in Counseling from Colorado Christian University. Then I earned my Masters in Divinity from Denver Seminary in 2013. I have served in many roles in the church – including youth pastor, senior pastor, and church planter. In the recent past, I practiced as a licensed professional counselor in the state of Colorado. I've also been doing contract writing for David C Cook. Diving specifically into Family and Life Group Ministries will be fun, and we look forward to continually deepening our relationships here at Holy Trinity. As always, we welcome your prayers and support for the days ahead of us.
Email Pastor Jeff at
The Rev. al janssen
Assisting Pastor
Pastor Al’s journey to becoming an Anglican priest was rather unusual. He has been in some form of Christian service since graduating from college in 1971, mostly as a writer, editor and publisher of Christian books. In January 2002, Al joined the staff of Open Doors International, a ministry that serves the Persecuted Church in countries where it is most dangerous to be Christian. The organization was started by Brother Andrew, author of the book God’s Smuggler, in 1955. Al has co-authored six books with Brother Andrew, including Secret Believers: What Happens When Muslims Believe in Christ. The national director of Open Doors’ work in one Muslim country is an Anglican bishop. After teaching at several pastors’ conferences in that country, Al was told that his ministry would be even more effective if he was ordained. That started a process that led to his ordination as a deacon in 2008 at the Cathedral in Rochester, England. He became a priest two years later. Since then he has served as a pastor to staff in countries like Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Indonesia.
Jo and Al have lived in Colorado Springs since 1992. It has been Al’s privilege to occasionally serve as a priest in several parishes along the Front Range. This summer he and Jo moved to the Gleneagle area and became members of Holy Trinity, and they are delighted to serve this community.
The Rev. Ed Luminati
Deacon Ed was born and raised in Connecticut. He and wife Betsy met during their college years and were married in 1971. Ed earned my BS degree in Health Science in 1976 and an MS degree with a major in counseling in 1981. He served as a Physician Assistant for 39 years, 24 of which were with the U.S. Air Force. Ed retired from the Air Force in 1999 and continued to practice clinical medicine. He served on multiple medical mission trips, providing care and education to communities throughout Africa, Central America and Russia.
Ed was raised as a Roman Catholic and came to full faith in Christ in 1980 as a result of a chaplain in the military. After many years of faith journey in Evangelical Bible churches, in 2006, he and Betsy visited Shove Chapel at the invitation of Rev (now Bishop) Ken Ross and found themselves drawn to the Anglican liturgy, traditions and depth of worship. Ed was ordained to the diaconate in 2010 and served initially with IAC for several years before coming to the HTAC family.
Betsy and Ed have one son, Jonathan, who is in the U.S. Air Force, married to Jennifer, their wonderful daughter-in-law, and they have three fantastic granddaughters. Currently Jonathan and family are living in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
The Rev. mark summers
Mark and his wife, Christy, moved to Colorado Springs in 2015 to be closer to family and to launch their care ministry, Redeemed Seasons Ministries. Prior to coming to Colorado Springs, Mark worked for 25 years in the technology field in the Seattle area. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois and brings a broad skillset in business, operations and administrative functions to his role in the office at Holy Trinity. Mark is a trained spiritual director and was ordained as a Deacon in the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains in December 2020. Email Deacon Mark at
Terri moon
Minister of Music
Terri and her husband Steve have been members of Holy Trinity since 2010, where she has served on the music team almost every Sunday since. Terri’s lifelong passion is the intersection of music, worship, and spiritual formation, and she longs to bring to life the beauty of the Church’s heritage in the arts. Her first instrument is the violin, and she holds a Bachelor’s degree in music education and a Master’s in violin performance. Terri spent a year studying voice and the music of the baroque era in Amsterdam, Netherlands, leading to an opportunity to perform Handel’s Messiah in his home town of Halle, Germany, and Bach’s Magnificat in Leipzig. She loves performing with the Philharmonic on occasion and has taught private violin students of all ages for over 40 years. Together, Terri and Steve have raised four children and are proud grandparents. In addition to being a part of ministries at Holy Trinity, they serve together on the leadership team of the Anselm Society and love to host people in their home near downtown Colorado Springs.
Heather (Walker) Peterson Minister of Family and Students
While finishing my PhD in English, I went through a period of critiquing my own faith. I found that God had given me a faith worth critiquing. A few years later as a new mom, my confidence in God awoke again when I recognized how vital it was that we raised our children in God’s Story. At the time, I was teaching at a Christian college and my underlying goal became to help my students keep their faith after college. It became apparent that in most cases the young people who retained their faith were ones with engaged parents.
How to come alongside other parents in their kids’ faith development? God surprised me by calling me into family and student ministry. He had prepared me, not just through teaching college students and my faith struggle, but by giving me fabulous mentors along the way and a stint at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, which brought my family to Colorado. Mostly, though, my two daughters with remarkably different personalities have shown me the great privilege of participating in the faith development of the 0-18 set.
Feedback for Leadership:
We have a comment/feedback form in our CCB online environment that offers a quick and easy means to communicate directly with the Senior Pastor and the Senior Lay Leader on the Leadership Team. Send Feedback with this form.
Our LT members always invite and welcome your thoughts, suggestions and questions. If you would like to connect with any of our Leadership Team members directly, you can always catch them on a Sunday morning, or you can reach out via their email addresses, which are provided below:
Fr. Matt Burnett, Senior Pastor:
Jay Haddix, Senior Lay Leader:
Shini Abraham
Matt Nolte
Matt Stata
Andrea Wilcox
Sid Webb