Thursday Spotlight: 3 June 2021


As we move closer and closer to a return to normalcy at Holy Trinity, we are thinking actively about what has gone away and what needs to come back. Near the top of our list of things that we want to resume is the Sunday morning nursery for our families.

Our plan and intention is to offer nursery care for our little ones on Sunday mornings, beginning in the Fall. For the summer, the nursery room is always available to families, but it will not have dedicated staffing.

Finding the Right Persons

Before we can re-open the nursery, we need people to staff it. At an absolute minimum, every Sunday we need at least 2 adults, or 1 adult and 1 teen, who can work in the nursery and care for the children during the 90 minutes of the Sunday Communion service. We'd love to be able to offer nursery services for the 45 minutes of Adult Discipleship, as well.

Ideally, we'd like to have at least 8 individuals who are on the roster for the nursery. This would enable us to keep most of the nursery volunteers working just one Sunday per month. We are considering the possibility of hiring an individual to be one of the assigned Sunday workers, but that is still in the works.

Interested in Helping?

If you would be willing to help in the nursery, or if you would like to be considered for a part-time paid position in the nursery (if we go that direction), please reach out to the Church Office by phone (719-505-8021) or by email (


Two More Days!

There's still time to sign up to walk or sponsor someone who is walking this Saturday, June 5!

Sign up here to walk as a part of Holy Trinity Anglican Team! (You will have a choice of start times or can walk in your own neighborhood.)

If you would like to sponsor someone on our team, here's a list of those currently signed up:

Pastor Matt
Pastor Al
Matthew Nolte
Stata Family
Christy Summers
Deacon Mark
Nolte Family
Teresa Zepf
Tom Zepf

Our team thanks you for your support and prayers for the Walk for Life and for the life-affirming work Life Network does in our community.