Weekly Update: 18-23 May 2021


  • Friday Evening Summer Break: On May 14, we finished our planned trial of 6 Friday evening Communion services. The services were well attended and well received. Our plan is to start them up again in the Fall as a regular worship fixture at Holy Trinity. In the meantime, we'll have a couple of meetings/services over the Summer to pull together a team to support the Friday evening services and to plan the Fall launch.

  • Adult Discipleship Class: Pastor Chris is leading a powerful class on prayer, based on the book, "Where Prayer Becomes Real". See details below.

  • Communion Packets: We are revising our Communion packets process, now that restrictions on attendance for Sundays have been lifted. See below for specifics.


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)

Wednesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer on site and via Zoom

Friday @ 10 AM: Communion Service at the Church to consecrate Communion packets - All are welcome for this short, in-person service.

Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)

Sunday @ 10AM: Sunday Communion Service on site and via Zoom - Pastor Chris will be preaching.


NEW COMMUNION PACKET PROCESS: If you need a Communion packet for this Sunday, please contact the Church Office. In order to reduce the delivery load on our volunteer drivers (who've been doing weekly deliveries for over a year), we are asking those who can to come to the Church to pick up their packets. We'll create packets to match the requests and have them consecrated on Friday morning. They will be available for pickup from the Church on Friday afternoon. And, of course, if you are unable to travel to the Church to get your packet, please let us know, and we'll make arrangements for delivery.

New Adult TCT Class Pastor Chris Stroup is leading a new adult discipleship class, based on the book by Kyle Strobel and John Coe, entitled "Where Prayer Becomes Real". Pastor Chris will lead us through 5 discussion sessions based on topics covered in the book. Although you are invited (even encouraged) to purchase and reach Strobel's book as part of this class, it is not essential to participating in the class. The class meets at 9 AM in the adult classroom at the Church, and the sessions will also be available online via Zoom for remote, real-time participation. Check out Pastor Chris' video introduction to the class, by clicking on the this link: VIDEO