Thursday Spotlight: 20 May 2021

So what happened to the Friday Service?

It's coming back! But we're taking the summer off.

Our intention from the beginning was to run a 6-week experiment to test the Friday evening concept and to see how much interest there would be in the service. It was clearly a success, and we will reconvene on a regular basis in the fall.

In the meantime, TEAM BUILDING!

Our plan for the summer is to build a community (a team) that can support the Friday evening service on an ongoing basis, once we add it permanently to the schedule.

As you know, putting together and running a weekly service has a lot of moving parts. We need Altar guild-ers, worship musicians, technical folks for sound and slides, Scripture readers, and pray-ers. Each service requires, in addition to the clergy, 5-7 volunteers PLUS the musicians/singers on the worship team.

We can't ask a handful of individuals to take on multiple roles and support the service by themselves every week. No, we need a community of people who are dedicated and committed to the Friday evening service. Our hope is to gather enough people for our Friday evening team that we need to ask each individual to serve only 1 Friday a month.

To that end, we will be working through a series of short meetings over the summer to build the team/community to support the Friday service.

A First Gathering. . .

We will have our first planning/organizing meeting for the Friday evening service on Sunday, June 13 immediately following the regular service - at 11:30 AM. If you are interested in having a voice in the formation of the permanent Friday evening service or are interested in being a part of the community that will bring this new service to the Holy Trinity family, please join us for this kickoff gathering. We'll provide lunch for everyone, so please RSVP by email to the Church Office (


If you have questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris or to Deacon Mark in the Church Office.