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Easter Services

  • Holy Trinity Anglican Church 13990 Gleneagle Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (map)

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!!!

Easter Sunday is the high point of the Christian year, where we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ from the dead! Our traditional services at 8:30 and 10:45 are joyful and celebratory, including the ringing bells! While we have some jingle bells and small cowbells that we provide, you are encouraged to bring (or purchase) a bell of your own for this exciting day of praise. (You can bring something cowbell-ish, something school bell-ish, or something more jingle bell-ish. Get creative! The point is to have a lot of JOYFUL NOISE!) And don't forget the baptisms!! We will also have baptisms on Easter Sunday, at both services!

Here are a few considerations as you plan for Easter morning and our worship services:

SERVICE TIMES: We will have services at our regular times - 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

BAPTISMS: We are so excited for baptisms and look forward to celebrating with these families.

SEATING: We are anticipating quite a few visitors on Easter Sunday. We have moved our overflow seating into the Annex, where we have more room. We'll have rows of chairs in that space, so folks who cannot find a seat in the Sanctuary can watch the service on the big screen TV. 

As you plan your Easter Sunday morning, you may want to consider attending the 8:30 service. Typically, on Easter morning, we have seating available during the early service, but the 10:45 service nearly always exceeds our capacity in the Sanctuary. If you are willing to come to the earlier service, that might open a seat or seats for those visiting for the later service.

Earlier Event: April 18
Good Friday Services
Later Event: April 20
Family Ministry Easter Egg Hunt