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Palm Sunday

  • Holy Trinity Anglican Church 13990 Gleneagle Dr Colorado Springs, CO 80921 (map)

Our Palm Sunday services on April 13 will be at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM, our normal service times.

Both services will include a dramatic reading of the Passion Story from the Gospel of Matthew. We need individuals, young and not-so-young, to be readers of the various parts and roles included in the dramatic reading. 

If you are willing to read one of the parts, please contact the Church Office.

This dramatic reading is an integral part of the Palm Sunday service. We need a minimum of 7 individual readers for this piece, but we can accommodate up to twice that number, if available. Please volunteer and help us out.

Earlier Event: April 6
Sung Compline Service
Later Event: April 16
Stations of the Cross