An Acolyte is someone between the ages of 7-16 who helps the clergy during worship on Sundays. You get a fancy white robe, and you'll get to carry the cross, candles, and maybe a banner at the beginning and end of each service.
You'll also get to sit by and assist the pastors during worship, especially at the altar during communion but at other times as well. It's really fun, and it's a good way to learn more about Jesus and our worship services.
If you or your child are interested in serving as an Acolyte, we will have a sign-up sheet out in the foyer on Sunday, by the children's check-in and welcome. We will start meeting in August to prepare for serving in September.
If you have any questions, please see Pastor Jeff or Kerm Neal, or reach out to the Church Office.
2024 Summer Music & Art Camp
We are bringing back our Art and Music Camp for kids ages 5 – 10!
Camp will begin on Monday, August 5, and will run through Thursday, August 8, at Holy Trinity from 1-4 PM.
NEW this year! We will be having a Music & Art Camp showcase on Friday, August 9, at 4:30pm at the church to show everyone the wonderful musical
talents and art pieces created by the children during the camp. All are invited!
Our camp focus will be on the Bible’s great true story (HIS Story!) all about God’s loving acts of deliverance. Each day children will learn Scripture verses, make crafts and explore music that will focus on illustrating the lessons of the Bible, as told through “The Story of God Our Savior” by Kenneth Padgett and Shay Gregorie.
Click here to register your child(ren)!
Interested in volunteering?!? Yes, we need you!
We need volunteers to make Summer Music & Art Camp work! We welcome older children, ages 11+, and adults for these roles even if you can only volunteer for one day. We are looking for Storytellers, Craft Helpers, Music Helpers, Administrative Helpers, and Snack Helpers.
If you'd like to volunteer, please use the same form at THIS LINK (same as above) to connect with us. We look forward to serving with you!