Weekly Update: Feb 27 - Mar 3, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, March 3 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the Third Sunday in Lent. We will have services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service. 

Other Items of Interest

Intercessory Prayer Service via Zoom: Join us on Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30 PM for the second of our online evening services for Lenten intercessory prayer. We will "wrap" the prayer time with a short Evening Prayer liturgy and will offer plenty of room for participants to share their own prayers of intercession for the world and our country, for our community and region, for the church, and for our family and friends. This service will be offered only via Zoom, and the link is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129486319.

Contemplative Prayer Service - March 7 @ 6:30 PM: Join us for an in-person evening contemplative service based on a sung Compline liturgy with special music and art pieces focused on the Lenten themes. The HTAC Choir will lead this event in the HTAC Sanctuary, and the evening will include plenty of space for prayer and connection with our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

Valor Collective: Saturday, March 9, 3-5 PM: This group for Boys and Dads gathers monthly to eat great food together, learn a fun skill and have some time where we learn about men who have followed after God (like Brother Andrew). The Valor Collective will meet in March on Saturday, the 9th, from 3 to 5 PM. For more information, please contact Matt Stata.

Little Women Society - Saturday, March 16, 3-5 PM: The Little Women Society (4th to 12th grade girls and their moms) will gather for their March meeting on the 16th. Becca Stone will be the featured speaker, and she will lead us in a discussion and activities on the virtue of being God-centered. Please consider bringing your personal Bible and journal to enhance your experience.

SAVE THE DATE - HTAC's Summer Music and Art Camp: We invite you to reserve August 5-8 on your calendar for HTAC's Summer Music and Art Camp for kids ages 5-10 and volunteers ages 11+. We will focus on "The Story of God Our Savior" as we follow God's acts of deliverance through the Bible to the Cross of Christ, using music and crafts to reinforce His ultimate and unending love. More information to follow as we get closer to summer.

­­­­You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows: https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events.

Thursday Spotlight: 22 February 2024

Thursday Evening Intercessory Prayer Service

Join us on Thursday evenings in Lent at 6:30 PM on Zoom for special Lenten intercessory prayer service.

We will "wrap" the prayer time with a short Evening Prayer liturgy and will leave plenty of room for prayers of intercession for the world and our country, for our community and region, for the church, and for our family and friends.

The Zoom link for this service is posted on the HTAC website and below:


ACNA Justice and Mercy Ministry - Matthew 25 Initiative

As followers of Christ, we are called to serve the needs of the poor, the vulnerable, and the marginalized in our midst.  Many churches carry the value of engaging this type of ministry organically, but could benefit from support in developing focused ministries in this area.
On March 5 at 6:30-8pm MST (via Zoom) the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains invites you to join a webinar with the Matthew 25 Initiative for an evening of learning about the ACNA's tools and resources for establishing Justice and Mercy Ministry.

This event will help you explore how the Matthew 25 Initiative can support your church in following Christ's call to serve the vulnerable in your local community.  You'll also hear real-life examples of how churches in our diocese have engaged these tools to build Justice and Mercy ministries, and have the opportunity to explore how your church can access support from the ACNA in this work.  

Speakers include:

  • Ken Ross, Bishop of Diocese of the Rocky Mountains 

  • Mike Sandgren, DRM Justice and Mercy 

  • Christine Warner, Executive Director of Matthew 25 Initiative

  • Matt Lindell, Director of Operations of Matthew 25 Initiative

  • Nicole Hunter, Discipleship Director of Trinity Church, Wenatchee, WA

To register, click here

Calendar of Events: Lent and Holy Week

The following special events are planned for the season of Lent and for Holy Week at Holy Trinity:

Sunday, March 7: Contemplative Evening Service @ 6:30 PM -  We will have an evening contemplative service based on a sung Compline liturgy with special music focused on the Lenten themes. 

Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday - Our special Palm Sunday liturgy, along with the dramatic reading of the Passion story, will be featured at our two regular service times (8:30 and 10:45 AM).

Wednesday, March 27: Stations of the Cross @ 6:30 PM - This service “travels” with Jesus on his journey from sentencing, to his crucifixion, and to his burial through 14 “stations” where we pause to pray and reflect.

Thursday, March 28: Maundy Thursday service @ 6:30 PM - This special service celebrates the Last Supper and the washing by Jesus of the feet of his disciples.

Friday, March 29: Last Words of Jesus @ Noon - This 3-hour service features short reflections on each of the last seven statements made by Jesus before his death on the cross.

Friday, March 29: Good Friday Evening Service with Tenebrae @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM - These special services, held in partnership with our friends at Cathedral Rock Church, recall the death and burial of Jesus.

Weekly Update: February 20-25, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, February 25 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the Second Sunday in Lent. We will have services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service.

Other Items of Interest

Shrove Tuesday Food Drive: Our food drive for Tri-Lakes Cares on Shrove Tuesday generated a donation of 220 pounds of food and household items for the TLC Market & Pantry. 220 pounds!! Thank you for your generosity and for your participation in our pancake feast. A good time was had by all!

Intercessory Prayer Service via Zoom: Join us on Thursday evening from 6:30-7:30 PM for the first of our online evening services for Lenten intercessory prayer. We will "wrap" the prayer time with a short Evening Prayer liturgy and will offer plenty of room for participants to share their own prayers of intercession for the world and our country, for our community and region, for the church, and for our family and friends. This service will be offered only via Zoom, and the link is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81129486319.

Baptism Class - Sundays until mid-March (between services):

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, for anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are still open for this 6-week class. If you are interested, please see Pastor Jeff.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:


Thursday Spotlight: 15 February 2024

Thursday Evenings in Lent: Intercessory Prayer Services

Join us for 4 Thursdays in Lent, 6:30-7:30 PM, on Zoom for a time of intercessory prayer.

We will "wrap" the prayer time with a short Evening Prayer liturgy and will leave plenty of room for those involved in the service to share their own prayers of intercession. We will, in sequence, pray for the world and our country, for our community and region, for the church, and for our family and friends.

The Zoom link for these services, which will occur on February 22 and 29 and on March 14 and 21, is posted on the HTAC website and below:


Calendar of Events: Lent and Holy Week

In addition to the Intercessory Prayer sessions described above, the following special events are planned for the season of Lent and for Holy Week.

Sunday, March 7: Contemplative Evening Service @ 6:30 PM -  We will have an evening contemplative service based on a sung Compline liturgy with special music focused on the Lenten themes. 

Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday - Our special Palm Sunday liturgy, along with the dramatic reading of the Passion story, will be featured at our two regular service times (8:30 and 10:45 AM).

Wednesday, March 27: Stations of the Cross @ 6:30 PM - This service “travels” with Jesus on his journey from sentencing, to his crucifixion, and to his burial through 14 “stations” where we pause to pray and reflect.

Thursday, March 28: Maundy Thursday service @ 6:30 PM - This special service celebrates the Last Supper and the washing by Jesus of the feet of his disciples.

Friday, March 29: Last Words of Jesus @ Noon - This 3-hour service features short reflections on each of the last seven statements made by Jesus before his death on the cross.

Friday, March 29: Good Friday Evening Service with Tenebrae @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM - These special services, held in partnership with our friends at Cathedral Rock Church, recall the death and burial of Jesus.


We are doing something extra special this year for Easter: a Great Vigil of Easter Service on Easter Morning! 

In addition to our regular services on Easter morning @ 8:30 and 10:45 AM, Holy Trinity will host a 5 AM Easter Vigil Service that will end as the sun comes up over the mountains. We will borrow both from the Anglican traditions associated with the Easter Vigil service and from the Gospel story around Mary's pre-dawn visit to the empty tomb to celebrate the Resurrection in a special way. 

Weekly Update: February 13-18, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, February 18 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the First Sunday of Lent. We will have services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service. 

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

TONIGHT: Tuesday, February 13 at 6 PM, the youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent. 

Please join us for this wonderful fellowship meal and gathering. If you are able, please bring a breakfast side (bacon, sausage, fruit, etc.) to share in pot-luck fashion.

This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their food assistance Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. TLC reports that they are in particular need of the following: jars of pasta sauce, canned beef stew, and carrots.

Other Items of Interest

Ash Wednesday - February 14 @ 7 AM and 6:30 PM

Ash Wednesday Services will be held at 7 AM and 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February 14 at Holy Trinity. Please join us for this beautiful liturgy which offers a great posture for the heart as we enter the season of Lent. If you are unable to attend one of these services but would still like to have the imposition of ashes on Wednesday, please stop by the Church at any time during the day, and one of the clergy will be available to do the imposition. 

Valor Collective - Saturday, February 17 @ 9 AM

This is a fellowship and discipleship gathering for Boys and Dads was postponed from last weekend due to the snowy weather. The Collective is meeting this coming Sunday, February 17, at 9 AM at the Church to eat some food together, learn a fun skill (artist Kristopher Orr teaching how to draw woodland animals), and have some time where we learn about men who have followed after God. For more information, please contact Matt Stata.

Little Women Society - Saturday, February 17 @ 3 PM

We invite 4th-12th grade girls and their mamas to join us on Saturday afternoon, as we study the virtue of repentance, practice a form of kintsugi, and let God continue mending our brokenness into something beautiful. If you have any questions, please contact Lara Stata or Sara Haddix.

Baptism Class - Sundays until mid-March (between services)

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are still open for our 6-week baptism class, which began last Sunday and will meet until March 17.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:


Thursday Spotlight: 8 February 2024

Coming! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Food Drive

On Tuesday, February 13, the HTAC youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent.

We will gather at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for feasting and fellowship.

If you can, please bring something to compliment the pancakes: cooked breakfast meats, fruit, pancake toppings, fruit juices - whatever seems good.

This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Details regarding the Food Drive for TLC are below.

Our youth group will be serving during the event, but they will need help. If you are willing and able to help setup, cooking and/or cleanup, please contact the Church Office.


This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry

Please bring items from the list below with you to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We will be delivering these items to TLC by February 16.

Here is the list of the current needs:

FOOD ITEMS - fruit cocktail, sugar, canned meat, canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, white rice, peanut butter, beef broth, cup-of-soup, youth applesauce cups, nut-free individual snacks for kids

SUNDRIES - denture cream, denture cleaner, dishwasher pods, laundry pods, deodorant (men and women), incontinence pads, feminine hygiene products, liquid hand soap; bar soap 


Jonathon and Emily Thigpen are delighted to announce that Wesley Owen Thigpen was born on January 26, weighing in at 9 lbs 10 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well.

annual call for artwork with Lenten themes

We are looking for visual, musical, or written pieces that explore and/or communicate these Lenten themes: Intercessory prayer for others as well as ourselves, fasting, and alms-giving, with a particular focus outward, as we experience and invite others into a journey toward Easter. 

If you have a work of visual, musical, or written art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.­ 

Note: We will be posting pieces on the Holy Trinity website.


Easter is coming!! If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt or to Pastor Jeff via email or by phone. 

 Baptism classes begin this Sunday, February 11, and run through Lent. We would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested in participating. For more information, check out this link on the Church's website:  https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events/2024/2/11/baptism-class

Weekly Update: February 6-11, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, February 11 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the Last Sunday of Epiphany, which is also Transfiguration Sunday. We will have services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service. 

­­­­­­­­DRM Annual Gathering

The Annual Gathering of the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains will take place this week (February 5 through 7) at Wellspring Church in Englewood. This year's event will be particularly important, as our Archbishop Foley Beach consecrates the new DRM Suffragan Bishop elect, the Rev. Doctor Ben Fischer, on Monday evening.

You can find more information on the Synod at the following URL:


Other Items of Interest

Valor Collective - Saturday, February 10 @ 3 PM

This is a fellowship and discipleship group for Boys and Dads. Come join us on February 10 to eat some food together, learn a fun skill (artist Kristopher Orr teaching how to draw woodland animals), and have some time where we learn about men who have followed after God. For more information, please contact Matt Stata.

Baptism Class - begins Sunday, February 11 (between services)

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are open until February 9th for our 6-week baptism class, which will be held between services on Sundays (9:55-10:35), from February 11 to March 17.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13 @ 6 PM 

On Tuesday, February 13, the youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent. Our youth group will be serving during the event. 

This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their food assistance Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Stay tuned for more information on what kinds of things we will be gathering, so we can bless TLC and their neighbors/clients.

Ash Wednesday - February 14 @ 7 AM and 6:30 PM

Ash Wednesday Services will be held at 7 AM and 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February 14 at Holy Trinity. Please join us for this beautiful liturgy which offers a great posture for the heart as we enter the season of Lent. If you are unable to attend one of these services but would still like to have the imposition of ashes on Wednesday, please stop by the Church at any time during the day, and one of the clergy will be available to do the imposition.

Little Women Society - Saturday, February 17 @ 3 PM

We invite 4th-12th grade girls and their mamas to join us as we study the virtue of repentance, practice a form of kintsugi, and let God continue mending our brokenness into something beautiful. If you have any questions, please contact Lara Stata or Sara Haddix.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:


Thursday Spotlight: 1 February 2024

HTAC School Fees support for Nyagatovu Parish benefits kids!

Pastor Jean-Claude sent us the following email message:

Dear Kevin and Holy Trinity family:

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ and happy new year to you and your families. I hope that this email finds you well. 

I'm pleased to send you this report of school fees, second term 2023-2024, where we paid school fees to 10 students and the amount paid is 647000 Rwandan francs. All students went to their schools with the bankslips as shown in the image above. 

What a blessing that we can support these children from our sister parish!!!


This year, we are doing something extra special for Shrove Tuesday: We are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Please bring items from the lists below with you to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We will be delivering these items to TLC by February 16.

Here is the list of the current needs:

FOOD ITEMS - fruit cocktail, sugar, canned meat, canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, white rice, peanut butter, beef broth, cup-of-soup, youth applesauce cups, nut-free individual snacks for kids

SUNDRIES - denture cream, denture cleaner, dishwasher pods, laundry pods, deodorant (men and women), incontinence pads, feminine hygiene products, liquid hand soap; bar soap 

Artists: It's time for our annual call for artwork with Lenten themes.

We are looking for visual, musical, or written pieces that explore and/or communicate these Lenten themes:

Intercessory prayer for others as well as ourselves, fasting, and alms-giving, with a particular focus outward, as we experience and invite others into a journey toward Easter. 

If you have a work of visual, musical, or written art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.­ 

Note: We will be posting pieces on the Holy Trinity website.


Easter is coming!! If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt or to Pastor Jeff via email or by phone. 

 We are preparing for the Baptism classes, which will run from February 11 through Lent, and would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested in participating. For more information, check out this link on the Church's website:  https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events/2024/2/11/baptism-class

Please join us on February 10 from 3 - 5 PM for the next gathering of the Valor Collective. This special fellowship of boys and their dads meets every month or two for food, fun activities and discipleship. For more information, please reach out to the Church Office or to Matt Stata.

Weekly Update: Jan 30 - Feb 4, 2024

Schedule for Sunday, February 4 

We continue our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, the 5th Sunday of Epiphany, with services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service. 

The Annual Gathering of the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains will take place next week (February 5 through 7) at Wellspring Church in Englewood. This year's event will be particularly important, as our Archbishop Foley Beach consecrates the new DRM Suffragan Bishop elect, the Rev. Doctor Ben Fischer on Monday evening.

You can find more information on the Synod at the following URL:


Other Items of Interest

Baptism Class - begins Sunday, February 11 (between services)

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are open until February 9th for our 6-week baptism class, which will be held between services on Sundays (9:55-10:35), from February 11 to March 17.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13 @ 6 PM 

On Tuesday, February 13, the youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent. Our youth group will be serving during the event. 

This year, we are doing something extra special for Shrove Tuesday. We are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their food assistance Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Stay tuned for more information on what kinds of things we will be gathering, so we can bless TLC and their neighbors/clients.

Ash Wednesday - February 14 @ 7 AM and 6:30 PM

Ash Wednesday Services will be held at 7 AM and 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February 14 at Holy Trinity. Please join us for this beautiful liturgy which offers a great posture for the heart as we enter the season of Lent. If you are unable to attend one of these services but would still like to have the imposition of ashes on Wednesday, please stop by the Church at any time during the day, and one of the clergy will be available to do the imposition.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:


Thursday Spotlight: 25 January 2024

Membership Discovery Class: Sunday, January 28

Are you interested in membership at HTAC or wanting to know more about our church and our Anglican heritage?  

Consider attending our Membership Discovery Class this Sunday, January 28, in the Fellowship Hall from 3 to 6 PM. This class reviews the theology and history of Holy Trinity and of Anglicanism, in general, and offers a comprehensive look at our collective and foundational beliefs and at what membership is all about. 

This is an excellent class for anyone wanting a deeper understanding of our church. It is also a required experience for those wanting to become members of HTAC and qualify for voting at the annual meeting in January.


This year, we are doing something extra special for Shrove Tuesday and the beginning of Lent: We are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their food assistance Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Stay tuned for more information on what kinds of things we will be gathering, so we can bless TLC and their neighbors/clients. 

call for artwork with Lenten themes.

We are looking for visual, musical, or written pieces that explore and/or communicate these Lenten themes:

Intercessory prayer for others as well as ourselves, fasting, and alms-giving, with a particular focus outward, as we experience and invite others into a journey toward Easter. 

If you have a work of visual, musical, or written art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.­ 

Note: We will be posting pieces on the Holy Trinity website.


Easter is coming!! If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt or to Pastor Jeff via email or by phone. 

 We are preparing for the Baptism classes, which will run from February 11 through Lent, and would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested in participating. For more information, check out this link on the Church's website:  https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events/2024/2/11/baptism-class

Weekly Update: 23-28 January 2024

Schedule for Sunday, January 28 

We return to our regular two-service Sunday this weekend, with services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at each service. The HTAC Choir will be supporting worship at both services.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. Our High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service. 

Other Items of Interest

Membership Discovery Class - Sunday, January 28 @ 3 PM

Seeking membership or just wanting to know even more about HTAC? 

Consider attending our Membership Discovery Class. The Membership Class reviews the theology and history of Holy Trinity and of Anglicanism in general. This is a comprehensive class on our collective and foundational beliefs, and it offers a look into what membership at HTAC is all about.

Baptism Class - begins Sunday, February 11 (between services)

This class is for anyone who wants to be baptized or have their children baptized, anyone exploring the Christian faith, or anyone who is still discerning if they or their children want to be baptized. The class will be in preparation for our baptisms which will be held on Easter Sunday, March 31. Sign-ups are open until February 9th for our 6-week baptism class, which will be held between services on Sundays (9:55-10:35), from February 11 to March 17.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper - February 13 @ 6 PM 

On Tuesday, February 13, the youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent. Our youth group will be serving during the event. 

This year, we are doing something extra special for Shrove Tuesday. We are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their food assistance Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Stay tuned for more information on what kinds of things we will be gathering, so we can bless TLC and their neighbors/clients.

Ash Wednesday - February 14 @ 7 AM and 6:30 PM

Ash Wednesday Services will be held at 7 AM and 6:30 PM on Wednesday, February 14 at Holy Trinity. Please join us for this beautiful liturgy which offers a great posture for the heart as we enter the season of Lent. If you are unable to attend one of these services but would still like to have the imposition of ashes on Wednesday, please stop by the Church at any time during the day, and one of the clergy will be available to do the imposition.

You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows:


Thursday Spotlight: 18 January 2024

Annual Meeting and Chili Cookoff

On Sunday, January 21, we will hold our Annual Meeting and our Chili Cook-off and Potluck lunch!

We will have a single Communion service at 9:30 AM. Pastor Matt will preach. 

Our Annual Meeting will begin at 11 AM and will feature not only a review of the Church's financials and a vote on the 2024 budget, but also (maybe more importantly) a look at Church life with God and with one another. Please don't miss this important conversation for our Church family.

After the Meeting, we'll gather in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Chili Cook-off and potluck lunch. Please bring a pot of chili or a lunch food item to share with your Church family.

Youth Ice Skating Event

Instead of their regular meeting, the Holy Trinity middle school and high school youth will be having an event at the Acacia Park ice skating rink on Sunday, January 21 from 4-6 pm. 

All youth are welcome, and please invite your friends. The Church will be covering the cost of rentals and skate time for the youth.

We will need a guardian to fill out a permission form for all students under the age of 18 who will be participating. The form is here:

Parental Consent Form 2023-2024

If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Krysta Smart or Pastor Jeff, so we have an estimate of who to expect.

Please join us on January 20th for the livestream watch party of Life Summit.

This year’s Life SUMMIT, hosted by Anglicans For Life, is focused on providing resources and tactics for individuals to utilize, alongside their God-given gifts, to protect the Sanctity of life.

The event will be livestreamed in the Annex at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, beginning at 8 AM on January 20th. If you are interested in attending, or if you have questions, please reach out to the Church Office or to the Stata family.


Easter is coming!! If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt or to Pastor Jeff via email or by phone. 

 We are preparing for the Baptism classes, which will run from February 11 through Lent, and would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested in participating. For more information, check out this link on the Church's website:  https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events/2024/2/11/baptism-class.

Weekly Update: 16-21 January 2024

Schedule for Sunday, January 21 - Single Service / Business Meeting / Chili Cookoff 

Sunday Morning Services: We will have a single service this Sunday, January 21 at 9:30 AM. Immediately following the service, we will have our Annual Business Meeting, followed by the Chili Cookoff and Potluck Lunch.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching during the single service.

During the service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open.

In addition, the High School and Middle School youth will not meet this week after the single service. Instead, the Youth will have an ice skating event on Sunday afternoon/evening at the Acacia Park ice skating rink from 4 to 6 PM. All youth are welcome. For more information, connect with Pastor Jeff or with Krysta Smart.

Volunteers and Helping Hands Needed

The Chili Cookoff is an event that requires a lot of helping hands.

We still need judges for the cookoff. If you're willing to be a taster/judge for the competition, please let the Church Office know. 

Also, we need setup and cleanup help. If you are willing to help with this event, please reach out to the Church Office (email: office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org or phone: 719-505-8021) and let us know, so we can add you to the roster of volunteers who will support the cookoff.  

Life Summit - Agenda Details

Note: RSVP is not necessary to attend. Everyone welcome.

8:00 AM - Carl Trueman: Abolition of the Human

Less than five years ago, questions like; What is a Woman? or What Does it Mean to be Human? had obvious and easy answers. But with the advent of artificial intelligence, abortion through birth, technology, the right to euthanasia, and a plethora of genders – defining and understanding the truth that human beings are sacred and made in the image of God got more than complicated! In this keynote address, Dr. Trueman will trace the evolution of the sexual mores and psychological identities that got us to where we are today.

9:00 AM - Carl Trueman: Rebuilding Humanity in the Likeness of God

Once we understand the depth and breadth of the problems we face as the Church in defining the value of humanity, Dr. Trueman will share strategies and tools he believes the Church can employ to respond to the cultural upheaval we encounter daily. He will discuss how understanding what it means to be a created human being, and employing the creeds, the Anglican Catechism, and the counsel of God can equip believers to respond with love to our neighbors with different worldviews. Both Keynotes will feature time for Q & A.

10:00 AM - Local Impact discussion 

We will have food and discussion about the sessions and local ministries and prayer! It will be an opportunity to fellowship and encourage another. This is a more family-friendly portion of the morning. (The other sessions are designed for older teens and adults.)

10:45 AM - Abby Johnson: Navigating Beyond Roe in Life-Affirming Ministry

As a former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby will share her testimony and discuss how we as a movement can better serve the needs of pregnant women amidst the new realities of living beyond Roe in America. She will talk about how you can model God’s mercy to those who seem undeserving, and respond with grace when others err or offend, while bearing witness to God’s unrestrained compassion so that others may know Him.


You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page  at the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows: https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events.

Thursday Spotlight: 11 January 2024

Annual Meeting and Chili Cookoff

Due to extreme weather forecast in the Colorado Springs region this week, we have postponed our Annual Business Meeting and our Chili Cook-off and Potluck lunch to Sunday, January 21.

On the 21st, we will have a single Communion service at 9:30 AM, followed by our Annual Meeting. After the Annual Meeting, we'll gather in the Fellowship Hall for our annual Chili Cook-off and potluck lunch. Please bring a pot of chili or a lunch food item to share with your Church family.

We are still recruiting volunteers to help with the setup of the potluck and the cleanup afterwards. If you are available to help, please let the Church office know. 

Youth Ice Skating Event

We have also postponed our ice skating event for the Holy Trinity middle school and high school youth. Stay tuned for additional information on the rescheduled date and time for this event.

We will need a guardian to fill out a permission form for all students under the age of 18 who might be participating. The form is here:

Parental Consent Form 2023-2024

Life Summit Watch Party

Please join us on January 20th for the livestream watch party of Life Summit.

As Anglicans, we believe that all life is sacred. Every year, Anglicans For Life hosts an annual Life SUMMIT event. This year’s event is set for January 18-20 in Falls Church, VA. While many people thought the overturning of Roe would put an end to abortion, the Dobbs decision simply returned the power to legislate over abortion related matters to the states.

 As the Church, it’s our duty to equip members of our community with the tools they need to advocate for life. This year’s Life SUMMIT is focused on providing resources and tactics for individuals to utilize, alongside their God-given gifts, to protect the Sanctity of life.

The event will be livestreamed in the Annex at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, beginning at 8 AM on the 20th. If you are interested in attending, or if you have questions, please reach out to the Church Office or to the Stata family.


As is our custom and practice at Holy Trinity, we will have Baptisms on Easter Sunday (March 31). 

If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt Burnett (matt@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org) or Pastor Jeff Stone via email (jeff@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org) or by phone (719-505-8021). 

Our Pastors will be coordinating the baptism classes and preparatory activities for the Easter Baptisms, and they would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested.

Weekly Update: 9-14 January 2024

Schedule for Sunday, January 14 - Single Service / Business Meeting / Chili Cookoff 

Sunday Morning Services: We will have a single service this Sunday, January 14 at 9:30 AM. Immediately following the service, we will have our Annual Business Meeting, followed by the Chili Cookoff and Potluck Lunch.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching during the single service.

During the service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open. In addition, the High School and Middle School youth will not meet this week after the single service.

Volunteers and Helping Hands Needed

The Chili Cookoff is an event that requires a lot of helping hands.

First, we need chili! It would help us to know if you're going to bring a pot of chili. However, if you forget to notify us, still bring your chili. The more, the merrier!

Second, we need judges for the chilis in the cookoff. If you're willing to be a taster/judge for the competition, please let the Church Office know. 

Finally, we need setup and cleanup help. If you are willing to help with this event, please reach out to the Church Office (email: office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org or phone: 719-505-8021) and let us know, so we can add you to the roster of volunteers who will support the cookoff.  

­You can find more information about these and other events on the Special Events page of the Holy Trinity website. The link is as follows: https://www.holytrinityanglican.church/special-events.

Weekly Update: 2-7 January 2024

Schedule for Sunday, January 7 - The Baptism of the Lord

Sunday Morning Services: We will have our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, January 7, with services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching.

During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open during that service. In addition, the High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service on Sunday.

Volunteers and Helping Hands Needed

The Chili Cookoff on January 14 is a wonderful annual event -- an outstanding Holy Trinity tradition. We often have up to a dozen different pots of chili to be tasted and tested by the cookoff judges and the congregation as a whole.

This event takes a lot of helping hands to make it happen, and it requires at least one coordinator to direct traffic and assure the parts and pieces for the big potluck are in place.

If you are willing to help with this event, please reach out to the Church Office (email: office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org or phone: 719-505-8021) and let us know, so we can add you to the roster of volunteers who will support the cookoff. If you'd like to be one of the coordinators for the event, please so indicate to the Church Office. 

Weekly Update: December 19 - 24, 2023

Schedule for Sunday, December 24 (Advent 4) and Christmas Eve

Sunday Morning Services: We will have a single morning service on Sunday at 9:30 AM.

Pastor Al Janssen will be preaching.

In the evening, we will have two candlelight Christmas Eve services, one at 4:30 PM and the other at 7:00 PM. If this year is like years past, we will have a huge crowd of visitors at the 4:30 PM service. Accordingly, if your schedule for the evening will accommodate it, you might want to consider joining us for the 7 PM service, which usually has seating available. 

Weekly Update: December 12-17, 2023

Schedule for Sunday, December 17 (Advent 3)

Sunday Morning Services: We will continue our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, with services at 8:30 and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services.

Between services (10-10:30 AM), we will have a special presentation a missionary from the Middle East, supported by Holy Trinity. This family is doing amazing work in a very challenging context, bringing men and women into contact with Jesus, His Word, and His followers. Join us for an informative and engaging presentation of the ways God is using this particular family to reach the least and the lost.

 Our regular calendar of other weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

A Special Neighborhood Outreach

On Sunday, December 17 at 5:30 PM, we are having a very special outreach event for our Gleneagle neighborhood. We are going Christmas caroling!! 

We'll visit the townhome and condo communities within walking distance of the Church, and we'll sing and hand out flyers for our Christmas Eve and Christmas morning services. 

We'll meet at the Church at 5:30 and split up into teams. Then we'll head out to the local neighborhood. After singing, we'll gather at the Church for a hot cup of cider or tea and some cookies.

Volunteers Needed for Christmas Weekend

We will have 4 services over Christmas Weekend:

  • On Sunday, December 24, we will have a single morning worship service (Advent 4) at 9:30 AM. 

  • On Christmas Eve at 4:30 and 7:00 PM, we will have our wonderful Christmas Eve candlelight services. 

  • On Christmas morning, we will have our very special Christmas Communion service at 10 AM. 

Filling all of our volunteer/support positions for these services is always a challenge over the holiday weekend. If you intend to be present at any of these services and are willing to be a greeter, a reader, a pray-er, or a Chalice Bearer, please reach out to Deacon Mark, so he can schedule you in one of those roles. 

Deacon Mark can be reached at 719-505-8021 or at mark@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org.

Soli Deo Gloria Choir - Concert
