Thursday Spotlight: 8 February 2024

Coming! Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and Food Drive

On Tuesday, February 13, the HTAC youth group will host our annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. This event is held on the evening prior to Ash Wednesday and is celebrated as a feast day before we enter the penitential season of Lent.

We will gather at 6:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall for feasting and fellowship.

If you can, please bring something to compliment the pancakes: cooked breakfast meats, fruit, pancake toppings, fruit juices - whatever seems good.

This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry. Details regarding the Food Drive for TLC are below.

Our youth group will be serving during the event, but they will need help. If you are willing and able to help setup, cooking and/or cleanup, please contact the Church Office.


This year, we are partnering with Tri Lakes Cares and their Market & Pantry to sponsor a special support drive to gather food, household and personal care items specifically lacking and needed on the shelves of the Market & Pantry

Please bring items from the list below with you to the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We will be delivering these items to TLC by February 16.

Here is the list of the current needs:

FOOD ITEMS - fruit cocktail, sugar, canned meat, canned tuna, canned chicken, spaghetti sauce, white rice, peanut butter, beef broth, cup-of-soup, youth applesauce cups, nut-free individual snacks for kids

SUNDRIES - denture cream, denture cleaner, dishwasher pods, laundry pods, deodorant (men and women), incontinence pads, feminine hygiene products, liquid hand soap; bar soap 


Jonathon and Emily Thigpen are delighted to announce that Wesley Owen Thigpen was born on January 26, weighing in at 9 lbs 10 oz, and measuring 20.5 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well.

annual call for artwork with Lenten themes

We are looking for visual, musical, or written pieces that explore and/or communicate these Lenten themes: Intercessory prayer for others as well as ourselves, fasting, and alms-giving, with a particular focus outward, as we experience and invite others into a journey toward Easter. 

If you have a work of visual, musical, or written art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.­ 

Note: We will be posting pieces on the Holy Trinity website.


Easter is coming!! If you are interested in being baptized, or if you are interested in having your child baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt or to Pastor Jeff via email or by phone. 

 Baptism classes begin this Sunday, February 11, and run through Lent. We would like to hear as soon as possible from those who might be interested in participating. For more information, check out this link on the Church's website: