Schedule for Sunday, January 7 - The Baptism of the Lord
Sunday Morning Services: We will have our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, January 7, with services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.
Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching.
During the second service, we will have Children's Catechesis, and the Nursery will be open during that service. In addition, the High School and Middle School youth will meet after the second service on Sunday.
Volunteers and Helping Hands Needed
The Chili Cookoff on January 14 is a wonderful annual event -- an outstanding Holy Trinity tradition. We often have up to a dozen different pots of chili to be tasted and tested by the cookoff judges and the congregation as a whole.
This event takes a lot of helping hands to make it happen, and it requires at least one coordinator to direct traffic and assure the parts and pieces for the big potluck are in place.
If you are willing to help with this event, please reach out to the Church Office (email: or phone: 719-505-8021) and let us know, so we can add you to the roster of volunteers who will support the cookoff. If you'd like to be one of the coordinators for the event, please so indicate to the Church Office.