Calling Musicians
Holy Trinity's music team is seeking musicians, both singers and instrumentalists, who have a calling to lead worship. We are looking for those who are willing to cultivate faithfulness, develop their musical skills, serve with their time and talents, and desire to grow in their own life of worship.
We are seeking musicians who have some skill, yes, but more importantly, those who are willing to be used by God to bless the entire congregation’s growth in worship, for His glory.
When ministry becomes performance, then the sanctuary becomes a theater, the congregation becomes an audience, worship becomes entertainment, and man’s applause and approval become the measure of success. But when ministry is for the glory of God, his presence moves into the sanctuary. Even the unsaved visitor will fall down on his face, worship God, and confess that God is among us.
– Warren and David Wiersbe
If you are interested in being a part of this ministry, even once in a while, please contact Terri Moon at:
Food Truck Friday!
We are hosting our final Food Truck Friday event in the HTAC parking lot tomorrow, September 8, from 5 to 8 PM.
This is a great opportunity to connect and have a meal with others in the HTAC church family and with folks from the surrounding neighborhood.
Please come and make this final event of the summer a brilliant success.