Weekly Update: 12-17 September 2023

Schedule for Sunday, September 17

Sunday Morning Services: We will continue our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, with services at 8:30 and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Al Janssen will be preaching at both services this Sunday -- his final installment in the Fearless by Faith series.

Our regular calendar of other weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.­

There is SO MUCH happening!! ­ ­

Saturday, September 16, 8-11 AM: Our Fall HTAC Work Party to clean up the grounds around the church and prepare for winter. Bring the family!

Sunday, September 24, 2-5 PM: Our next Membership Discovery Class will be taught by Pastor Matt. If you are interested in attending, please reach out to the church office: office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org.

NEW Women's Bible Study: Jen Nolte, Christy Janssen and Laura Laurie would like to invite the women of HTAC to join them in a 6 week study of 1 Peter from Oct 2 to Nov 6. Meetings will take place at Jen Nolte's home on Monday evenings from 7:30-9:00 pm. Lydia Brownback's Study Guide will be guiding their discussion of 1 Peter. If you have any questions or would like to join, please reach out to the Church Office.

October 6-7 at Wellspring Church in Englewood, Colorado: The third annual Healing Journey prayer conference for the Diocese of the Rocky Mountains will offer great speakers, wonderful worship, and the opportunity to meet Jesus and experience His love and care.

Fall CityServe on October 6-7: CityServe Day is a no-strings-attached, city-wide day of service where “all are welcome to serve and be served.” The motivation is simple: when a city prospers, so do its people. Join us as we serve schools, parks, local non-profit organizations, and neighborhoods, serving some of the most prominent needs in our city. Sign up at https://cosiloveyou.com/cityserve-day/.

Refugee Ministry Needs: Lutheran Family Services has reached out to us for help with some important needs for refugee families in our city. They need gently used (or new) coats for arriving refugees and asylees. With winter around the corner, they have a shortage of men and women size SMALL and MEDIUM, and children's coats of all sizes. They also have a need for strollers. Many refugee families have multiple children, and moms are walking their school-aged children while trying to carry their younger kids. If you have either of these items, please bring them to the church, and we'll arrange to have them delivered to Lutheran Family Services.