Thursday Spotlight: August 3, 2023

Life Groups: Doing Life Together

One of the most profound and enduring truths about the human experience is provided right at the beginning of Scripture, at the beginning of all Creation: "Then the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone. . .'"  (Gen 2:18 ESV)

We, like our Creator, are made for community. Just as our God is inherently relational -- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit -- so also we, created in the image of God, are naturally and inherently relational beings, designed and intended to live in Community. 

Alone, without community, we simply do not thrive.

Who constitutes your community? Who knows your victories and your struggles, your celebrations and your worries, your loves and your dismays? If we never put ourselves into a context where we can be known closely and authentically, sadly, the answer is "No one." 

All of us -- every one, without exception -- needs a small group of co-journeyers (friends) in this life who support us and for whom we can offer love and support. Church life groups are a context where you can know and be known, where you can become a friend and can have friends.

If you are not currently part of a life group, talk to someone you know at HTAC who is in a life group, and listen to their testimony about what God has done in their life through small group relationships. Don't miss out!

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing stories about small group experiences, collecting names of individuals and families who are interested in trying out a Life Group, and recruiting leaders for the formation of new Life Groups at HTAC.

Pleae, fill out the online Life Group Sign-up form

If you have questions, reach out to Pastor Al Janssen or Deacon Mark Summers. 

Come and see what God has for you in a Life Group at HTAC!

Volunteers Needed for Joint Service/Picnic

We need to recruit approximately 25 individuals to help with a variety of tasks at the September 3rd joint service and picnic with International Anglican Church. The event will be held at Bear Creek Regional Park, and the service will begin at 9:30 AM. 

We need several small teams of individuals (or families) to help with setup and cleanup, food layout, greeting tables, and parking lot monitors. We also need to have everyone RSVP for the event, so we can plan the food and the service to cover all who attend. 

Please fill out the RSVP form at THIS LINK, and sign up to help with one of the volunteer functions. 

We've got less than a month to pull all of this together, and your help would be deeply appreciated.