Weekly Update: August 1-6, 2023

Schedule for Sunday, August 6

Sunday Morning Services: This Sunday, Eric Chesney will be preaching.  

We will have services at our regular Sunday times - 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM. The nursery will be open and staffed for the second service. 

Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

Bread Bakers!

We need bakers for our weekly Communion bread.

Debbie Eastman has been steadfast in her weekly baking for many months, and she needs a break. She has an outstanding recipe that produces an ideal loaf for Sunday Communion.

We now need 3 or 4 bakers who can take on the shared task of producing the altar bread for our weekly services. If we can get several bakers involved, each will need to bake only once a month. 

Please consider joining our team for this very important task. If you are interested, reach out to Deacon Mark or connect with Debbie Eastman.

Anselm Conference - STORYMOOT


You have a story to tell. It’s the micro story of you within the macro story of God. Stories can get lost or forgotten in the rush and randomness of this secular age, but Storymoot can help you find yours. Because it’s also God’s story for you, it’s a story that needs to be told.

Featuring keynote speakers Amy Baik Lee and Matthew Clark, in-depth personal-focused breakouts, lots of time for conversation and processing, and the Anselm Society’s fabled hospitality, Storymoot is designed to be meaningful—and affordable—for YOU, both adults and teenagers.

We hope that Storymoot — with challenging speakers, stimulating interaction, heartfelt stories, hands-on workshops, and a soul-stirring closing concert — will also be a story worth telling. Registration is limited, so sign up today and your YouStory can include, “I was there at the first Storymoot!”

For more information, visit the Storymoot webpage at THIS LINK.