Thursday Spotlight: 9 November 2023

Hanging of the Greens is coming!!

Holy Trinity will hold its Hanging of the Greens event on Sunday,  November 26 from 6 to 8 PM at the Church. 

Please join us, and invite your friends! This is a very special Church/community event that will include activities for the children, the decorating of our Christmas tree, special music and singing of carols, great food, and wonderful fellowship.

As we did last year, we will have a delicious cookie & sweet treat buffet, so bring your favorite holiday cookies or treats to share.

Important News and Items

Blessing and Reception: We will host a reception between services this Sunday, November 12 for our new Associate Pastor, Jeff Stone, and his family. Please join us to celebrate the addition of Pastor Jeff to our staff. Pastor Matt will be praying a blessing over the Stone family at both services.

Singing Class Adjustment: We have adjusted the dates for Terri Moon's discipleship class on "Why Christians Sing". To allow everyone, including Terri, to attend the reception for Pastor Jeff and his family, there will be no class this Sunday (Nov 12) between services. Session 2 of Terri's class will be next Sunday (Nov 19) between services, and Session 3 will be on November 26 between services. This is a great class; don't miss out. 

Membership Class Postponed: The next Membership Discovery Class has been postponed to Sunday, December 10 at 3 PM in the Holy Trinity Fellowship Hall. The Membership Class reviews the theology and history of Holy Trinity and of Anglicanism in general. This is a comprehensive class on our collective and foundational beliefs, and it offers a look into what membership at HTAC is all about. This class is a required experience for those wanting to become voting members of HTAC, qualified to vote at the annual meeting in January.  

Advent Art Reminder

This is a reminder that Holy Trinity is inviting artists to offer visual art pieces and written art or devotional works for display in the Church and on the Holy Trinity website during the Advent and Christmas seasons.

Please consider sharing visual or written pieces that are resonant with themes of Advent hope, of casting away the works of darkness, and of putting on the armor of light. All visual artwork will be returned to the owner at the end of the Advent season. 

Please submit a brief description of your art piece, including your thoughts on how the work responds to the themes of Advent. We will display your description along with the art, so those viewing your piece will have your insights. 

If you have a work of art that you would like to offer for display, please send a photo and information about the piece via email to the Church Office ( or to Terri Moon (