Weekly Update: 14-19 November 2023

Schedule for Sunday, November 19

Sunday Morning Services: We will continue our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, with services at 8:30 and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching at both services, and he'll be presenting the third and final sermon in our series on Holy Trinity's vision.

Between services, Terri Moon will present the second lesson in her discipleship series on "Why Christians Sing". Please join us in the Sanctuary from 10-10:30 AM for this excellent class that explores the way God uses singing and our individual (and collective) voices to bring us into worship. 

Our regular calendar of other weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

What's on the Calendar?

For more detailed information on these events and many others, please check out the Special Events page on the Holy Trinity website at THIS LINK.

Saturday, November 18: The Little Women Society provides a space for 4th-12th grade girls and their mamas to discuss a Biblical virtue through hands-on skills, projects, service, and outreach in formative spiritual and practical ways. The next gathering of the LWS will take place on Saturday, November 18 from 3 to 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall at Holy Trinity. Terri Moon will be leading this meeting on the virtue of humility as she shares about Handel’s “Messiah” and instructing us on how to use calligraphy pens with her wonderful interactive teaching style.

Sunday, November 19 - Operation Christmas Child: We are quickly approaching the end of the 2023 edition of Operation Christmas Child! We pray and hope you can help bring a special Christmas blessing for a child who needs to experience the love of Jesus. Shoeboxes are available in the Fellowship Hall, so please pick up a shoebox, do some shopping, and return your shoebox filled with love and goodies by November 19. Each gift box will be tagged for a specific age group and gender, and suggested gifts for each child group are listed on the Operation Christmas Child website at THIS LINK.

Sunday, November 26 - Hanging of the Greens: Hanging of the Greens is a Christian tradition at Holy Trinity to prepare the church for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Mark your calendars: this event will happen on Sunday, 26 November from 6 to 8 PM. Please join us and invite your friends for this very special Church and community event that will include activities for the children, decorating our Christmas tree and the inside of the church, and special carol-singing and music. Bring your favorite holiday cookies or treats to share as we enjoy some jolly fellowship.

Call for Advent Art: Holy Trinity is inviting artists to offer visual art pieces and written works for display in the Church and on the Holy Trinity website during the Advent and Christmas seasons. If you have a work of art with Advent themes that you would like to offer for display, please send a photo and information and a brief description about the piece via email to the Church Office (office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org) or to Terri Moon (musicalmoons@gmail.com).  

LWS Christmas Tea: The Little Women Society's December event is coming up quickly on December 2nd -- just two weeks after their November meeting! Please join them from 3-5 p.m. to celebrate together with a Christmas Tea and card-making service project. You can RSVP to the event at this link.

There are a number of additional events that you don't want to miss, including a concert by the Forte Handbell Quartet on December 1, the Tri Lakes Cares Giving Tree which ends on December 8, the middle school boys' Valor Collective on December 9, the Refugee Ministry presentation and HTAC Membership Discovery Class on December 10, and a missions presentation on December 17. More information on all of these events can be found on the Special Events Page on the Church website.

COMING: Christmas Caroling and Community Outreach Events

We are planning two important outreach events for the Advent/Christmas season.

First, on Saturday, December 9 at 5:30 PM, grab your mittens, scarf, and a hat, and join us in bringing the Hope of Advent to our neighbors! We will meet at the church and walk to selected neighborhoods near the church, singing Christmas Carols as we go. Our desire is to bring the hope and cheer of Jesus to our neighbors, and to hand out flyers for the second outreach event, our Neighborhood Caroling Party.

Second, on Sunday, December 17 from 5:30 PM 9:00 PM, we will host at Holy Trinity a neighborhood caroling party. Everyone is invited! We’ll gather in the fellowship hall to sing Christmas carols, have fellowship, and enjoy hot apple cider and cookies. Please bring a plate of cookies or treats to share. We hope that this will provide an opportunity for our neighbors in the surrounding community to get to know us as people who share the Living Water of Christ, and to feel welcome to attend any of our services.

If you have any questions about either of these events, please contact Terri Moon.