Thursday Spotlight: 30 November 2023

Advent Art Reminder

This is a reminder that Holy Trinity is inviting artists to offer visual art pieces and written art or devotional works for display in the Church and on the Holy Trinity website during the Advent and Christmas seasons.

Please consider sharing visual or written pieces that are resonant with themes of Advent hope, of casting away the works of darkness, and of putting on the armor of light. All visual artwork will be returned to the owner at the end of the Advent season. 

Please submit a brief description of your art piece, including your thoughts on how the work responds to the themes of Advent. We will display your description along with the art, so those viewing your piece will have your insights. 

If you have a work of art that you would like to offer for display, please send a photo and information about the piece via email to the Church Office ( or to Terri Moon (  

Other Important News

Tri Lakes Cares Giving Tree: This Sunday is the last Sunday for dropping off the gifts for the ornaments from the Giving Tree. The gifts will be gathered and transported to TLC on Friday, December 8, in the morning. Please be sure to return your gifts, unwrapped with the ornament taped to the gift, by no later than the end of the day on Thursday, December 7. There are still a couple of ornaments on the tree. Please consider grabbing one of those final ornaments, so we can cover all of the gifts that TLC asked us to provide.

Little Women Society: The Little Women Society will meet on Saturday, December 2nd from 3 to 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall at Holy Trinity. This gathering provides a space for 4th to 12th grade girls and their moms to discuss Biblical virtues through hands-on skills, projects, service, and outreach in formative spiritual and practical ways. This particular gathering will be a Christmas tea, and the girls will do a Christmas card service project. 

Valor Collective: The Valor Collective will meet on Saturday, December 9 from 3 to 5 PM in the Fellowship Hall at Holy Trinity. This is a group for Boys and their Dad's. Join us to eat some food together, learn a fun skill, and have some time where we learn about men who have followed after God (like Brother Andrew). For more information, please contact Matt Stata.

Refugee Ministry Presentation: Are you interesting in hearing how our church is serving the refugees in our community? Please join us for an update from Amy Schulte on the important work refugee ministries is doing to serve these new neighbors in our community. We will also hear from church members actively involved in this ministry, and learn about opportunities to get involved. If you've been looking for an opportunity to serve others, this is a great way to get involved! Join us on Sunday, December 10 at 10 AM (between services) in the HTAC Sanctuary.

Membership Discovery Class: We will have our final membership class of 2023 on Sunday, December 10 from 3 to 6 PM at Holy Trinity. The Membership Class reviews the theology and history of Holy Trinity and of Anglicanism in general. This is a comprehensive class on our collective and foundational beliefs, and it offers a look into what membership at HTAC is all about. If you want to vote at the Annual Meeting in January and are not yet a member of HTAC, you will need to attend this class.

SAVE THE DATE: On Sunday, December 17 at 5:30 PM, we are having a very special outreach event for our Gleneagle neighborhood. We are going Christmas caroling!! We'll visit the townhome and condo communities within walking distance of the Church, and we'll sing and hand out flyers for our Christmas Eve and Christmas morning services. This is a big deal!! After our series of food truck events over the summer for our Gleneagle community, it feels like the timing is right for Holy Trinity to reach out to our neighbors in this special way for Christmas. Please plan to join us on December 17.