Weekly Update: Nov 28 - Dec 3, 2023

Schedule for Sunday, December 3 (Advent 1)

Sunday Morning Services: We will continue our regular two-service schedule this Sunday, with services at 8:30 and 10:45 AM.

Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services.

Contemplative Invitation and Space: Please be aware that we will be holding the Sanctuary as a quiet space for contemplation and prayer each Sunday in Advent for 15 minutes prior to each service. Everyone, including children, are welcome to come and be present with the Lord. We will have a contemplative question or quote on the display screens for your consideration. During the final 5 minutes of the contemplative time, we'll offer instrumental music to lead you into the worship service. 

Our regular calendar of other weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

What's on the Calendar?

For more detailed information on these events and many others, please check out the Special Events page on the Holy Trinity website at THIS LINK.

Forte Handbell Quartet Concert: Don't miss this amazing holiday concert performance of the Forte Handbell Quartet on Friday, December 1 at 7 PM in the Holy Trinity Sanctuary. Admission to this concert, Tidings of Comfort and Joy, is free of charge, with an offering collected at the end of the event. For more information about Forte, check out their website at fortehandbells.org.

Call for Advent Art: The invitation still stands! Holy Trinity is inviting artists to offer visual art pieces and written works for display in the Church and on the Holy Trinity website during the Advent and Christmas seasons. If you have a work of art with Advent themes that you would like to offer for display, please send a photo and information and a brief description about the piece via email to the Church Office (office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org) or to Terri Moon (musicalmoons@gmail.com).  

LWS Christmas Tea: The Little Women Society's December event is coming up this Saturday, December 2nd! Please join them from 3-5 p.m. to celebrate together with a Christmas Tea and card-making service project. You can RSVP to the event at this link.

Tri Lakes Cares Giving Tree: The deadline for bringing in gifts for the Tri Lakes Giving Tree is next week! The TLC Giving Tree still has a number of ornaments that need to be taken. Each ornament lists a gift request from a person or family in need this Christmas season. Please take an ornament, purchase the requested gift item, and bring the gift, unwrapped, along with the ornament to the Church by December 8. We'll make sure the gifts are delivered to Tri Lakes Cares for distribution to the families in need.

More information on all of these events can be found on the Special Events Page on the Church website.

A Special Message from Pastor Jeff

Dear Holy Trinity Family,

First, let me say thank you all very much for welcoming my family and me into the life of Holy Trinity. We would like to invite you all to consider joining us at our home for some coffee and tea. We are hoping to spend the time hearing how I can best serve you and also what you hope to see from HTAC's Family Ministries in the future. Plus, we want a chance to get to know each other a little bit more. It will be fun and relaxed.

I have created a sign-up on Sign-Up Genius at THIS LINK.

Please be sure to sign up each individual who will be attending including your kiddos. Space is limited to only 20 participants per date. We are starting with four meeting dates but we may add more depending on the need.

We will provide coffee and tea but please feel free to bring a snack (you can indicate by way of a "note" on the sign-up if you plan to bring something).

I look forward to seeing the sign-ups roll in and then also hanging out with you at our home. Let me know if you have any questions.

Pastor Jeff