Thursday Spotlight: 2 November 2023

Special Class: Why Christians Sing

With Advent just around the corner, worship is on our minds.

Why have Christians throughout the centuries included singing in their worship?
How does the act of singing form us spiritually?
Is this just for the talented people, or can everyone sing?
How does singing include both vertical and horizontal aspects of worship?
Come to our 3-part interactive class between Sunday services on Nov. 5, 12, and 19 to discover the answers to these questions and more! 

Terri Moon will lead us in an examination of how this one activity (singing) not only helps us to connect with God, but also builds our community and encourages us to worship with heart, soul, mind and strength.

Important News and Items

Thank You!! We want to extend a special callout and thank you to Debbie Eastman for her gifted and committed support to make the potluck brunch on the 29th go so well. And we also send out huge gratitude to Krysta Smart for her amazing management and coordination of the Trunk or Treat event on Sunday night. What an effort, and what an outcome!! Both of these ladies are treasures to Holy Trinity!

Blessing and Reception: We will host a reception between services on Sunday, November 12 for our new Associate Pastor, Jeff Stone, and his family. Please join us to celebrate the addition of Pastor Jeff to our staff. Pastor Matt will be praying a blessing over the Stone family at both services on the 12th.

Special Videos Available: We have posted two important videos on the Holy Trinity website this week. First, we have the video recording of Eric Chesney's presentation regarding the plans and next steps in our process of planting a new church in Colorado Springs. Second, we have Pastor Matt's sermon last Sunday, introducing and explaining the special sermon series that will begin this coming Sunday on the elements of Rest, Relationship, & Restoration, as described above. Eric's video can be found at THIS LINK. And Pastor Matt's sermon video is at THIS LINK.

Greeters Needed for Advent/Christmas: Finally, as we plan for the coming seasons of Advent and Christmas, we have resolved to make new and intentional efforts to greet and welcome well those who visit Holy Trinity for our worship services. To make this happen, we are re-instituting Greeters for our services: 2 greeters (or sets of greeters) for every service in Advent and Christmas. That's at least 16 individual volunteers. Each volunteer will be asked to be a Greeter for a particular service, to hand out bulletins and flyers, to shake hands and ask names, and to show folks to the Sanctuary or other facilities in our building. If you (or your family) are willing to be a greeter on one of the Sundays in December, or for the Christmas Eve or Christmas morning services, please reach out to Deacon Mark via email or call the Church Office at 719-505-8021.