Thursday Spotlight: 12 October 2023

Refugee Ministry @ HTAC

We have a number of needs and opportunities that are rising to the surface in Refugee Ministries at Holy Trinity. Please read through these items and prayerfully consider whether one or more of these might be something God is calling you to respond to.

Furniture Needed: One of the big challenges in settling refugees in our Colorado Springs community is finding what's needed to furnish their apartments and homes. Most come here with nothing, and although a roof overhead is a tremendous blessing, refugee families can't fully settle in without tables to eat at, couches and chairs to sit on, and dressers and chests to store their belongings in.

Thus, the refugee support arm of Lutheran Family Services (LFS) is calling for donations of furniture. NO BEDS are needed, but nearly everything else is in short supply: kitchen/dining room tables and chairs, dressers and chests of drawers, couches and arm chairs, end tables, etc. 

LFS will actually come with a truck and pick up the items you want to donate. If you have any of these items, please reach out to Amy Schulte or to the Church Office, and we'll get you connected with the right people.

Cultural Mentorship and Relationship: As we've communicated before, we have a local Afghan family that has been cared for by the Nolte family at HTAC. This family is in need of additional relational support, as the Noltes need to cut back on their availability. There are also other families in the LFS system that need care and support: youth mentors, shopping assistance, language assistance, help with forms and registrations with the government, etc. 

You might be exactly the person a refugee or refugee family needs to know! 

If you are interested in exploring options to care for individuals or families in this arena, please reach out to Amy Schulte or contact the Church Office.

Operation Christmas Child 2023

It's time for the 2023 edition of Operation Christmas Child!

Children around the world are beginning to think about Christmas with excitement and joy. Samaritan's Purse is setting up collection stations and preparing deliveries.

We pray and hope you can help bring a special Christmas blessing for a child who needs to experience the love of Jesus. Shoeboxes will be available in the Fellowship Hall starting October 14. Please return them filled with love and goodies during National Collection Week November 13-19.

Each gift box will be tagged for a specific age group and gender, and suggested gifts for each child group are listed on the Operation Christmas Child website at THIS LINK.

Our OCC program is being coordinated again this year by Ashley Carlson. If you have questions, please reach out to Ashley or contact the Church Office.

Next Sunday - Church Plant Update!

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend a special presentation on Sunday, October 22nd, by Eric Chesney, Church Plant Resident, between services in the Sanctuary at HTAC.

Eric will be sharing important elements of the vision for the new church plant, which will launch in the Fall of 2024. In addition, he will be describing the concrete next steps for those who may be feeling God's call to be a part of the lead-up and launch of the new church plant. We are, in fact, entering that important formative phase where specific families and individuals will be asked to pray about participating in this church plant endeavor.

This is definitely a meeting you won't want to miss!  Eric will offer his presentation from 9:50 to 10:40 AM in the Sanctuary.