Weekly Update: 24-29 January 2023

Compassion Kids - Nyagatovu, Rwanda

We have received 3 new sponsorship packets from Compassion International for young people from our Sister Parish in Nyagatovu, Rwanda. Photos and the packets are available in the Church Office.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child or young person in need from our Sister Parish, please reach out to Deacon Mark. 

You can reach Deacon Mark via email at office@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org or via phone at 719-505-8021.

Service Schedule for This Sunday - January 29

Sunday Morning Services: This is the fourth Sunday of Epiphany. We will have two services at our normal times: 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM. 

Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described in the graphic AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.