Mark Your Calendars - What's Coming
We have a LOT of wonderful worship and discipleship offerings planned for the rest of 2022 and the first half of 2023. Mark your calendars! Here's a listing of what's in store:
NEW! Sunday Evening Services (monthly at 6:30 PM)
October 16: Pastor Chris Stroup - “How We Got the Bible and Why It Matters”
December 4: Advent Contemplative Service
January 29: Evening Worship and Teaching Service
February 26: Lenten Contemplative Service
March 26: Evening Prayer and Praise Service
Adult Discipleship Offerings (between services on Sunday mornings)
December 4, 11 and 18: Advent class on Christ's Incarnation and Mission
February 5, 12 and 19: Epiphany class on Revelation of Christ and His Mission
May 7, 14 and 21: Easter class on Christ's Resurrection and Mission
Other General Discipleship Offerings
October 9 (between services): 2nd Sunday Stories - Curtis Pollard
November 13 (between services): 2nd Sunday Stories - Rob and Shini Abraham
January 8 (between services): 2nd Sunday Stories - to be determined
February 17 and 18: Marriage Workshop facilitated by Al & Jo Janssen and Mark & Christy Summers
February 26 to March 26 (between services): Baptism Classes
April 16 to May 21 (between services): Confirmation Classes
Other Important Events
October 30: Single service Sunday (@ 9:30 AM) followed by Potluck Brunch
November 20 (evening): Hanging of the Greens with hymn singing and special potluck dinner
January 15: Annual Business Meeting followed by the Annual Chili Cookoff
More details will be provided on all of these as the dates come closer, but in the meantime, please get your calendars updated with these offerings. The events are listed in the Church calendar in CCB and on the Church website at this link:
Sunday Schedule and Links
8:30 - 9:45: “Classic” Anglican Communion Service - Zoom LINK HERE
9:50 - 10:45: Fellowship time in the Fellowship Hall and Annex
10:45 - 12:00: “Modern” Anglican Communion Service - Zoom LINK HERE
11:00 - 11:35: Children's Catechesis/Discipleship in the Children's classrooms - (Level 1 for ages 4-7 and Level 2 for ages 8-11)