Weekly Update: 27 September - 2 October 2022

Anselm Special Concert - 29 September

The Anselm conference is closed for ticket sales, but the pre-conference CONCERT still has seats available. 

The performing artist will be Ella Mine. Ella is the daughter of Douglas McKelvey (“Every Moment Holy”),and she is a superbly talented and trained songwriter and performer. This live concert has received rave reviews. And in its progressive rock genre and subject material, it’s a pretty different experience than Anselm usually puts on musically — dealing with such real, applicable topics like pain, mental health, and hope. 

If you want to know more about Ella and the album, check out this link:


To hear more about Ella's music go to this link: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4OGGV3aSbgG1YJJ50oQi49

To get tickets, call the Glen Eyrie ticket office at 719-265-7050.

Altar Guild Volunteers Needed

We continue to recruit for much needed new members for our Altar Guild. If you are interested and willing to serve the Holy Trinity congregation by helping to set up the Altar for Sunday services, please reach out to Debbie Eastman.

Mark Your Calendars: Biblical Sexuality Workshop

How do we apply the Gospel in the area of sexuality and sexual brokenness, first for ourselves and then, as parents, for our kids, in order to foster relational and sexual health and wellness?

Holy Trinity and IAC are jointly presenting a workshop to begin to address this question. The workshop will be offered over 4 sessions on Monday evenings, October 17, October 24, November 7 and November 14 in IAC's Sanctuary. Details on the workshop will be coming soon, but we anticipate that childcare will be available for those in attendance. The topics we will cover will include:

  • What are the fundamentals of Biblical sexual health, and how does the current culture depart from those fundamentals?

  • How has our own story of sexuality impacted how we parent in this area?

  • What is the Gospel vision of redemption for our sexuality, and how is healing realized in our brokenness?

  • What are some practical tips for talking to our kids and to one another in ways that lead to healing and wholeness?

 This will be a powerful and pointedly relevant conversation. Please plan to join us. More details will be coming soon.

A Seasonal Reminder

We are entering the annual cold and flu season, and COVID continues to be a part of the contagious landscape, as well. Please care for one another: if you have symptoms associated with the flu or COVID, we ask that you not come to the Church in person. Instead, take advantage of our online services, and care well for yourself and others by staying at home.