All Zoom links FOUND HERE.
Tuesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom
Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom
Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)
Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome) - doing a study on the Book of Daniel
Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom
Sunday 8:30 - 9:45 AM: Sunday "Classic" Communion Service in the Sanctuary
Sunday 9:50 - 10:40: Adult Fellowship Hour in the Fellowship Hall with snacks and beverages
Sunday 9:55 - 10:35 AM: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom
Sunday 10:45 - NOON: Sunday "Modern" Communion Service in the Sanctuary
Sunday 11:00 - 11:35: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4-10 in the Children's Classroom (same content as earlier class)
The big water tank will be rolled out next week and filled with water. The heater will be plugged in, and bathwater temps will be had by Sunday morning. It's baptism time again at Holy Trinity! As Pastor Matt says, "Baptisms are the BEST!!" On Sunday, February 27, we will have our first baptism of the new year during the second (10:45 AM) service.
There's plenty of time and space to do more than 1 baptism on that Sunday. If you or your child might be interested in being baptized, please reach out to Pastor Matt. We'd love to add you to the list on the 27th, or find another date for this powerful, Spirit-filled experience in your life or the life of your child.
I remember my first Lent in an Anglican Church; it was here at Holy Trinity. "What in the world is 'Shrove Tuesday'?" I'd never heard of such a thing in my years with the Baptists.
Fortunately, Google search came to my rescue: "the day immediately preceding Ash Wednesday, celebrated as the last day before the Lenten fast."
Of course, feasting before the fasting.
At Holy Trinity, we have a tradition and practice of hosting a blowout pancake supper on the evening of Shrove Tuesday. Historically, it has been an event coordinated and offered by the men in the congregation with mounds of savory breakfast meats, griddles lined up on the kitchen counter with elbow-to-elbow griddle masters turning out piles of pancakes of all varieties. We invite everyone we know. In fact, there are some from the community who never miss our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Social, even though it's the only event they attend at Holy Trinity.
Shrove Tuesday is only 2 weeks away. We need griddles. We need griddle masters. We need cookers-of-meats. We need makers of pancake batter. We need YOU!
All of the above is being coordinated by Marty Schulte. Men, please reach out to Marty and let him know how you will help. Sign up to bring a griddle, or breakfast meat, or pancake batter, or just your spatula. You can reach Marty through the Church Office or via email.