Thursday Spotlight: 10 February 2022

Update on Refugee Ministry and Opportunity to Help

Movement is happening with the new Refugee Ministry initiative at Holy Trinity! We are starting the process of offering training to the 14 or so volunteers who expressed interest in participating in this ministry field, and we are in active conversation with Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains (LFSRM) about establishing a formal Cultural Mentorship Team at Holy Trinity to help and assist a refugee family in the Colorado Springs area. In addition, through the leadership of Amy Schulte, we are identifying immediate opportunities for volunteers to participate in the care and support of existing refugee families in our area.

In fact, Amy is currently working with a refugee from Central African Republic who is a good friend to her family and who just celebrated her 5 year anniversary of coming to the US. She recently received her driver’s license and is now shopping for a car. She has the money to purchase but doesn't have the knowledge or expertise to know a good car from a not-so-good car in the current market. If you know cars and car buying, would you be willing to help this woman navigate the selection and purchase process? If so, reach out to Amy, and she'll connect you with her friend.

Stay tuned for more updates on the movement forward with our Refugee Ministry. And please, if you are interested in participating, reach out to Amy or to the Church Office. There is plenty of need, and the process is still very open to additional volunteers.


On Sunday, February 13, Pastor Chris will be interviewing Christy Summers for our February episode of Second Sunday Stories.

Christy is co-founder of a healing ministry called Redeemed Seasons Ministries, and she will share on Sunday her powerful, counter-cultural testimony of God's faithfulness and power.

You can find plenty of background information on Redeemed Seasons Ministries and on Christy's story on the RSM website:

If you can't attend in person, the Second Sunday Story will be broadcast online via Zoom, using the same Zoom link assigned to the Sunday 10:45 service. The links are always available on the HTAC website at this URL:

Recordings of the DRM Synod Services

The 2022 Gathering (Synod) of the Anglican Diocese of the Rocky Mountains was awesome! The worship, the preaching, and the teacher were truly life-impacting. If you weren't able to attend, you can find video recordings of the main services on the DRM YouTube site. The URL is