New COVID Precautions for Sunday Services: In light of recent changes published by the Department of Public Health regarding recommended best practices for large gatherings, we have increased the number of available seats in the Sanctuary for Sunday services. We are very excited that we can now seat 100 individuals on Sundays. Please see the details below.
Bishop Ken and Confirmations: Bishop Ken Ross will be visiting Holy Trinity and preaching the Sunday sermon this week, April 25. We're planning confirmations for this Sunday, as well. See the details below.
Who Needs Communion Packets? With the increase in available seats on Sunday, we would like to confirm who will (and will not) want Communion packets delivered to their home this week and the weeks that follow. Please email the Church Office and tell us if you want a packet delivered. If we don't hear from you, we will put you on the "no packet needed" list.
All Zoom links FOUND HERE.
Tuesday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)
Wednesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer on site and via Zoom
Friday @ 10 AM: Communion Service at the Church to consecrate Communion packets - All welcome
Friday @ Noon: Lunchtime Lectio via Zoom (from the Gospel of John)
Friday @ 6:30 PM: Friday Evening Worship Service - on site (no Zoom) - Pastor Matt preaching
Sunday @ 10AM: Sunday Communion Service on site and via Zoom - Bishop Ken Ross preaching
NEW COVID PRECAUTIONS FOR SUNDAYS: We are very excited that the new best practices recommendations published by the Department of Public Health regarding COVID precautions for large gatherings are going to support nearly doubling our onsite attendance on Sunday mornings. We look forward to the day when all precautions can be left behind, but in the meantime, we thank God that we can now open up our Sanctuary to 100 attendees! Masks are still required, and for now, we ask that children remain with their family groups in the Sanctuary for Sunday services. We will no longer need to maintain distancing between those seated in the Sanctuary, and we won't need a seating chart. Awesome! We will, however, continue our process of taking reservations for Sunday, using the online reservation form at THIS LINK, to assure we stay below the 100-person limit.
Confirmations and Bishop Ken: We will be hosting our Bishop, Ken Ross, on Sunday, April 25 for our 10 AM service. The service will include confirmations by the Bishop, and he will deliver the Sunday sermon. If you don't have seats for Sunday, please make your reservation. Or you can watch the entire service online through our Zoom link.
Rwandan Language Book: Are you interested in the Rwandan language? We have in our Church library a book written by James Rumford and donated by his niece, our own Karen Pfeifer, that is an introduction to the national language of Rwanda. This is an exercise book that "will lead you step by small step to speaking the language." If you are interested, please contact the Church Office.