Weekly Update 16 December 2024

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

 This Sunday will offer our regular worship schedule with services at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM

Pastor Jeff Stone will be preaching this Sunday. 

Children’s Catechesis will take place during the 10:45am service for pre-school through sixth grade (They will be dismissed before the sermon and parents will get them before Communion).

Nursery will be available during the 10:45am service until communion.

Membership Class and Annual Meeting

Sunday, 5 January, from 3.00p to 6.00p

Holy Trinity Membership Discovery Class

This is required to vote on the budget the following Sunday the 12th at our Annual Meeting. If you cannot make that date please email me at mkburnett01@gmail.com and we can plan a December date and time.

Guatemala Mission Trip

Dates: 22-30 March 2025

 Cost: $600/person + airfare for all anticipated expenses (includes local room/board, transport and travel insurance).  

Projecting $800-$1000 for airfare DEN-GUA roundtrip

Total anticipated cost = $1500/person (some variation due to airfare preferences)

Location: Antigua, Guatemala


Partner Ministries:

Cafe Refrescante (ministry to homeless) - serving young homeless over coffee, bible studies, board games, conversations, prayer and any practical needs at the halfway home
See links : https://www.facebook.com/CafeRefrescante/ or www.refrescante.org

La Mano de Dios (an afterschool program) - ministry to children and their families

See link : https://www.lamanodedios.org/  
Video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YCSvYgeAkZYlcBTcCAo1pckAM-rqDpmK/view?usp=drivesdk

Mission Trip Description: 

We plan to fly into Guatemala City from Denver, and stay near Antigua about 2 hours away from Guatemala City. We will spend most of our time in the Antigua area (a World Heritage Site and relatively small city with a population of 50,000) and depending on the mix of the team and numbers of adults & kids, our abilities and interests etc. we may split up teams for varied ministry opportunities and schedules. The hope is for you (and your family) to engage personally with ministry opportunities, build relationships and get a glimpse of God’s heart for the people of Guatemala.

Included in our trip schedule:  team conversations/debriefs, prayer, worship, rest, relaxation (local tour of Antigua) etc. 

Costs are based on local ministry knowledge and should be fairly realistic.  We would encourage you to budget in some extra (gifts for families served, personal shopping / meals out, tours and activities etc). 

Trip Leads: 

Amy Schulte: ‭+1 (314) 750-9263‬ | amy.kushner@gmail.com

Rob Abraham: + 1 (719) 201-1855 | rob@y360.org