HTAC/IAC Joint Service & Picnic
In the graphic above you will find most of the information you'll need for the big service and picnic scheduled for this coming Sunday, September 3.
The churches are providing the main course for the picnic lunch, and we ask those attending to bring a side dish or dessert to share. If your last name begins with the letter A to M, please bring a side dish that goes with bar-b-que. If your last name begins with the letter N to Z, please bring a dessert.
If you have questions or need additional information, please reach out to the Church Office.
Life Group Signups!
Each of us and all of us are designed by God to live and thrive in community. We, like God, are relational beings, and relational beings need to know others and to be known by others. Sunday worship, as important as it is, doesn't fully meet our relational needs. We must have small community contexts where we can be safe and transparent and can receive and practice the kind of loving that God calls us to as brothers and sister in Christ. At Holy Trinity, life groups offer that needed small group context.
We are currently putting together our life groups for the Fall. We hope to have everything and everyone in place by the end of September. Please don't miss out!
If you are interested in joining a life group, please reach out to the Church Office or fill out the Life Group Signup form on the website at THIS LINK.
We currently have 8 life groups actively meeting, and 7 of those groups have space for additional participants. We are also looking to form, if needed, new life groups for the Fall.
If you would like to join a life group, or if you are interested and possibly willing to lead a life group, please reach out to Deacon Mark at (719) 505-8021 or by email at