Weekly Update: August 22-27, 2023

Schedule for Sunday, August 27

Sunday Morning Services: This Sunday, Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services. We will have services at our regular Sunday times - 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM. The nursery will be open and staffed for the second service. 

Between services on Sunday, we will have a special introduction and demonstration of the curriculum for our Children's Catechesis classes. If you have even the tiniest inkling that God might be calling you to participate in children's discipleship, please come on Sunday. At 10 am we will show you how we do Children's ministry. Even if you don't end up volunteering, your own faith will be enriched by seeing how we worship with our children.

Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

Softball Game @ the HTAC/IAC Picnic

As we have done the past two years, HTAC and IAC are organizing a friendly softball game at the joint picnic on September 3 at Bear Creek Regional Park.

If you are interested in playing, please reach out to Austin Backus or let the Church Office know. 

We encourage everyone and anyone who would like to play softball that day to bring their glove. We would also appreciate you bringing any other equipment (bats, balls, etc.) you might have to help the game come together.

This is a very fun event with not even a hint of performance pressure. It's a great opportunity to play alongside your brothers and sisters from IAC and HTAC and to play away some of the great calories enjoyed at the picnic.