Thursday Spotlight: July 20, 2023

Pastor Al: Book Sale & Signing

Between services on Sunday (July 23), Pastor Al Janssen will be doing a book signing for his newly released work with Brother Andrew, entitled Fearless by Faith: How to Fight Today's Spiritual Battles

 Pastor Al has been preaching a series of sermons based on material from this book. In fact, his sermon this Sunday (the 23rd) will be about David and his choice to fight the giant Goliath. This lesson comes from the first chapter of Fearless by Faith.  

 The retail price for Fearless by Faith is $19.99, but Pastor Al will be selling the book on Sunday for $15. If you buy more than one copy, the cost will be $10 for each copy after your first. These books make great Christmas and birthday gifts (hint, hint). 

Note: We do not have credit card capability at the Church, so please plan to pay for the books by check or cash.

And please, join us in praying that God will use this important work from Pastor Al to touch the lives of people around the world and to equip the men and women of the Body of Christ in our spiritual battles.

Single Service Sunday - July 30

Next Sunday, July 30th, is the fifth Sunday of the month; therefore, we will have a single service followed by a potluck brunch. The single service will begin at 9:30 AM. The HTAC nursery WILL be open for the single service. The potluck brunch will be held immediately following the service. Please bring a food item to share with our church family. Please also invite a friend or neighbor to come and join us for a time of fellowship and great food.