Schedule for Sunday, June 25
This Sunday, Pastor Al Janssen will be preaching. Our scheduled services will be at 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM. Children's Catechesis will happen during the second service, and this Sunday will be our last for Children's Catechesis for the remainder of the summer. Classes will begin again in September.
Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.
Caleb Paul Weber has arrived!
Kelsie and Paul (and Rylynn) Weber are delighted to announce the arrival of Caleb, their new baby boy! Caleb was born on June 16 at 9:52 AM. Momma and baby are doing well, but we don't have any of the size/weight details yet.
Please remember that we have a MealTrain available to support the family during these days of recovery. The MealTrain was set up by members of the family, but we are also invited to participate! You can find the MealTrain site at this URL:
Pastor Matt Burnett will host a Newcomers Lunch at Holy Trinity this Sunday, June 25, from 12:15 to 2 PM in the Fellowship Hall. If you are a visitor, new attender, or anyone who wants a chance to visit with Pastor Matt and other clergy, staff, and leaders to learn about Holy Trinity, please join us! We will provide lunch!
If you would like to attend, please contact Deacon Mark in the Church Office by phone (719-505-8021) or by email (, so we can order lunch for you.
VBS Is Coming!
If you've been wondering about VBS at Holy Trinity for this summer, we are just a day or two away from locking down the dates and making the announcement. We're looking at the end of July or early August for a 4-day VBS camp here at the Church with a music theme similar to the camp we had last year. Stay tuned! We should have details for you very soon.