Thursday Spotlight: 1 June 2023

Traylor Family Celebration

Help us say "Good-bye" on June 11 to Pastor Matt, Kati, Faith, Riley and Renee!

Between services on Sunday, June 11, we will have a very special gathering to honor and celebrate the Traylor family. We want to thank Pastor Matt and Kati for all they have done to bless the Holy Trinity family over the past two years and to send them with many hugs and prayers (and tears) on their next ministry adventure to serve at Christ Church in Midland, Texas. 

Sunday, the 11th, will be Pastor Matt's final Sunday of service at Holy Trinity. You don't want to miss this opportunity to honor and love on the Traylor family before they head south.

Important Scheduling Notes!

Rescheduled! Membership Discovery Class

The Membership Discovery Class planned for this Sunday, June 4, has been rescheduled to a September date. We did not have enough interest for the class this weekend, so we decided to postpone. If you are interested in attending the class in the fall, please connect with Deacon Mark.

Newcomers Lunch - 25 June @ 12:15 PM

If you are a visitor, new attender, or anyone who wants a chance to visit with Pastor Matt and other clergy, staff, and leaders to learn about Holy Trinity, please join us for our next Newcomers Lunch on Sunday, June 25 at 12:15 PM (immediately following the second Sunday service). The Newcomers Lunch is relaxed and informal.  Over lunch, the conversation is Q&A-driven, and we talk and answer questions to give you an opportunity to learn more about who we are and what we do here at Holy Trinity. If you'd like to attend, please connect with Deacon Mark, so we can get you on the list for a lunch order.