Weekly Update: 2-7 May 2023

Service Schedule for This Sunday - May 7 

Sunday Morning Services: This is the Fifth Sunday of the Easter season. 

We will have our regular service schedule this Sunday: 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM services. Pastor Matt Burnett will be preaching at both services this Sunday.

This Sunday at both services, Pastor Matt will provide a briefing on his experiences at GAFCON in Rwanda. Next Sunday, May 14, he'll brief the congregation on his visit to our sister parish in Nyagatovu.

Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

2023 Walk for Life

Signups and planning for the 2023 Walk for Life, sponsored by Life Network, are under way. The walk will be held on Saturday, June 3rd, at Memorial Park in Colorado Springs. 

The link to sign up for the Walk for Life under our Holy Trinity team (in case you haven't had a chance to go online and register yet) is at THIS SITE. It only takes a few minutes to sign up, so please join our HTAC team. Please also consider sharing this link or the Walk for Life website (www.walkforlife.com) with friends who'd like to walk with our team.


Please mark your calendars: Rich Bennett, CEO and President of Life Network, will be speaking at Holy Trinity on Sunday, May 14 between services. This will be a great opportunity to hear more about the work of Life Network and the importance of the annual Walk for Life. Let's show our support for this important ministry that has been a partner of Holy Trinity for many years!!

Bell Choir Benefit Concert

Our HTAC Concordia Ringers bell choir will host a benefit concert on Saturday, May 20, at 7 PM in the Holy Trinity Sanctuary.

The concert and reception will be a fundraiser to benefit Redeemed Seasons Ministries, the ministry formed by Mark and Christy Summers.

Mark your calendars! Further details to come soon.

An Invitation from IAC

Coinciding with Rogation Days, the Creation Care team at IAC (International Anglican Church) is planning an informal worship service at Fox Run Regional Park with prayer, song, thanksgiving, silence with nature, an opportunity for confession/lament and a reflection by Pastor Ken Robertson. 

IAC has extended an invitation to everyone at Holy Trinity to join them at this event. No registration is needed.

They would love to connect with their “neighbors up north” in the beauty of the ponderosas!

Creation Care Outdoor Worship: Celebration, Prayer & Reflection
WHEN: Tues., May 16, 6:30

WHERE: Fox Run Regional Park, Pavilion 2

A Fun Event at HTAC

Our Gleneagle neighborhood is organizing a food truck event on Friday, May 12 from 5 to 8 PM. They are expecting 5 to 6 different food trucks at the event, which will be held in the HTAC parking lot. In addition, the organizers of the event will have a large tent onsite to help with the event.

This will be a wonderful outreach opportunity for people in the neighborhood to meet our Church. We'll have the building open and hope to have several Holy Trinity folks available to greet our neighbors and to answer any questions folks might have about our church and church family. 

Please consider joining us for this event.