Weekly Update: 18-23 April 2023

Anglican Confirmation at Holy Trinity

What is confirmation? (BCP, Preface)

"Confirmation is clearly grounded in Scripture: the Apostles prayed for, and laid their hands on those who had already been baptized (2 Timothy 1:6-7; Acts 8:14-17; 19:6). 

In Confirmation, through the Bishop’s laying on of hands and prayer for daily increase in the Holy Spirit, God strengthens the believer for Christian life in the service of Christ and his kingdom. Grace is God’s gift, and we pray that he will pour out his Holy Spirit on those who have already been made his children by adoption and grace in Baptism.

Those having made adult professions of faith in other Christian traditions (including those confirmed in other traditions) are received into the Anglican Church with prayer and the laying on of hands by a Bishop."

Who is confirmation for? 

It is for adults from other traditions who want to be officially received by the Bishop as Anglicans.  Just as important, the Bishop prays that your gifts from the Holy Spirit would be released and used in our Church.  (Bonus: our Bishop has been known to give prophetic words to Confirmands from time to time. ;)
Confirmation is also for youth who have not yet professed their reception of the faith before the Church.

What should I do?

Whether or not you're sure if you want to be confirmed, you can attend our Confirmation Prep Class during fellowship hour (starting at 9:55am, sharp)!
Dates: 4/23, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21 

The class will be taught by Holy Trinity pastors between the services, starting this Sunday.  For each session, there will be preparatory podcasts and a brief reading. The class format will be a presentation, followed by a time to discuss your questions.

ACTION STEP: To join the class, please email Pastor Matt Traylor by this Thursday (4/20): matt.traylor@holytrinityanglicanchurch.org.

Service Schedule for This Sunday - April 23 

Sunday Morning Services: This is the Third Sunday of the Easter season. We will have our regular services on Sunday morning at 8:30 and 10:45 AM. 

Between services on Sunday we will have our first session of the Confirmation Class. The group will meet in the Adult Classroom, starting at 9:55 AM. For more details, see the article above.

Our regular calendar of weekly events, as described AT THIS LINK, will be in place through the rest of the week.

Progress on the Playset

A very large crane visited Holy Trinity on Tuesday morning to lift and reset our playground “fort” in the upright position once again.

It will be a couple more weeks before the playset is safe to use. We have quite a bit of repair work and carpentry to do to replace the roof and stabilize the entire structure. 

Parents: please help us keep everyone safe by having your children stay off of the playset.

We'll keep you posted on progress!