Thursday Spotlight - 30 March 2023

Holy Week Service Schedule

The service schedule for Holy Week is as follows:

Wednesday, April 5: Stations of the Cross service @ 6:30 PM.

Thursday, April 6: Maundy Thursday service @ 6:30 PM.

Friday, April 7: Last Words of Jesus service @ Noon. 

Friday, April 7: Good Friday evening services @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM.

The three evening services at 6:30 - on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - will be broadcast via Zoom. You can find the Zoom links at THIS LINK on our Holy Trinity website.

Easter Morning Worship

Here are a few considerations as you plan for Easter morning and our worship services:

SERVICE TIMES: We will have services at our regular times - 8:30 AM and 10:45 AM.

BAPTISMS: As things now stand, we will have 4 baptisms during the 10:45 service on Easter Sunday. We are so excited for these baptisms and look forward to celebrating with these families.

SEATING: We are anticipating quite a few visitors on Easter Sunday, because we are sending out invitation cards to homes in our neighborhood. We have moved our overflow seating into the Annex, where we have more room. We'll have rows of chairs in that space, so folks who cannot find a seat in the Sanctuary can watch the service on the big screen TV. 

As you plan your Easter Sunday morning, you may want to consider attending the 8:30 service. Typically, on Easter morning, we have seating available during the early service, but the 10:45 service nearly always exceeds our capacity in the Sanctuary. If you are willing to come to the earlier service, that might open a seat or seats for those visiting for the later service.