Spring CityServe is Coming!!
Reserve your spots today!
The Spring CityServe event is a little over a month away. This is an awesome and effective way to have a real, physical impact in our Colorado Springs and El Paso County communities.
There are many, many service projects to participate in, and many are kid- and family-friendly. Check out the options and sign up today!
The CityServe website is at this address:
Easter Egg Hunt - Helpers Needed!
We are planning an Easter Egg Hunt on Easter morning, between services at HTAC. Helen Horn is organizing this event, and she needs two things:
First, if you have plastic eggs from last year or plastic eggs that you'd like to put back in circulation, she would love to have you bring them in for use on Easter Sunday.
Second, Helen needs volunteers to help with the setup and the monitoring of the event. If you are available and interested, please reach out to Helen.
Calendar of Events: Lent and Holy Week
The following special events are planned for the remainder of Lent and Holy Week:
Sunday, March 26: Missions Making a Difference - Danny John, one of the principals of Care 2 Share, will be at Holy Trinity between services to provide a briefing on the ministry work of Care 2 Share in India.
Sunday, March 26: Lenten Contemplative Evening Service @ 6:30 PM - We will have an evening contemplative service based on a sung Compline liturgy with special music and art pieces focused on the Lenten themes of repentance and prayer.
Sunday, April 2: Palm Sunday - Our special Palm Sunday liturgy, along with the dramatic reading of the Passion story, will be featured at our two regular service times (8:30 and 10:45 AM) on this Sunday of Holy Week.
Wednesday, April 5: Stations of the Cross @ 6:30 PM - This service “travels” with Jesus on his journey from sentencing, to his crucifixion, and to his burial through 14 “stations” where we pause to pray and reflect.
Thursday, April 6: Maundy Thursday service @ 6:30 PM - This special service celebrates the Last Supper and the washing by Jesus of the feet of his disciples.
Friday, April 7: Last Words of Jesus @ Noon - This 3-hour service features short reflections on each of the last seven statements made by Jesus before his death on the cross.
Friday, April 7: Good Friday Evening Service with Tenebrae @ 4:30 and 6:30 PM - These special services, held in partnership with our friends at Cathedral Rock Church, recall the death and burial of Jesus.
Easter Feast - Volunteers Needed
Finally, on the Sunday after Easter (April 16), we will have a single service, followed by our traditional and wonderful EASTER FEAST potluck lunch.
Debbie Eastman is coordinating the event this year, and she needs volunteers to help with setup, with layout of the food, and with cleanup. If you are willing and able to help with this event, please reach out to Debbie.