Call for Lenten Art Works
Our invitation to artists - visual, written and musical - is still open for the Lent and Easter seasons.
We are gathering art pieces that communicate these themes:
Lent: Repentance. Remembrance. Purification. Preparation for the passion and resurrection of Christ. Prayer, fasting and alms-giving. Walking the way of the Cross.
Easter: Grace. Rescue. Forgiveness. God's love for the lost. Gratitude.
If you have a work of visual, written or musical art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.
We have already posted a number of pieces on the Church website. You can find them at THIS LINK or THIS LINK.
If you are interested in finding a good online daily devotional for the Lent season, here are a couple of very good options:
CCCA Lent Project:
ACNA Matthew 25 Initiative: