Thursday Spotlight - 23 February 2023

Call for Lenten Art Works

Our invitation to artists - visual, written and musical - is still open for the Lent and Easter seasons.

We are gathering art pieces that communicate these themes:

Lent: Repentance. Remembrance. Purification. Preparation for the passion and resurrection of Christ. Prayer, fasting and alms-giving. Walking the way of the Cross. 
Easter: Grace. Rescue. Forgiveness. God's love for the lost. Gratitude.

If you have a work of visual, written or musical art that you would like to offer, please connect with the Church Office for instructions on how to submit your piece or pieces.­ 

We have already posted a number of pieces on the Church website. You can find them at THIS LINK or THIS LINK.


 If you are interested in finding a good online daily devotional for the Lent season, here are a couple of very good options:

CCCA Lent Project:

ACNA Matthew 25 Initiative: