Thursday Spotlight: 25 August 2022

It's Time for Another Hodge Podge

There are LOTS of big and little things we need to highlight. We'll be as brief as possible, but please look over this collection of reminders and opportunities. Each one is important.

Tuesday Morning Prayer Service

We host an online Morning Prayer service every Tuesday at 7 AM. This service is a wonderful way to start your day and an amazing connection with God early in the work week. The service lasts only about 15 minutes. Please join us! If you haven't combed your hair, or if you are in the middle of breakfast, feel free to keep your camera turned off, and join us anyway. The Zoom link for the service is listed on our website here:

Sunday Service Participants Needed

As you have probably noticed, every Sunday members of our congregation participate in the Sunday service by reading Scripture, leading the Prayers of the People, serving as Chalice Bearers during Communion, and serving on the Prayer Team during Communion.

Our rosters of readers, pray-ers, and Chalice Bearers are a little depleted these days. If you are interested in participating in any of these roles, please reach out to Deacon Mark in the Church Office. We would love to add you to our rotation of volunteers. We will also give you instruction in any of the roles that you might not be familiar with.

There is a unique blessing in serving your Church family on Sunday mornings. Don't miss out on that blessing. Please consider becoming a part of the team that makes the Sunday services happen each week.

Save the date: Marriage Workshop

Mark your calendars and save the date for a special workshop entitled, "The Heart of Jesus in Marriage", co-sponsored by Pastor Al Janssen and his wife, Jo, and Deacon Mark Summers, and his wife, Christy.

The workshop will be held on a Friday evening and Saturday morning in February. We're currently looking at February 17th & 18th.

The heart of Jesus is God’s template for the heart of marriage: a heart that loves so deeply it seeks always the best for the other. It is a heart that acts out of devotion, not obligation. It is a heart that lovingly and freely chooses to care, to nurture, and to treasure, regardless of the cost.

This marriage workshop will be held just prior to the beginning of Lent 2023, focusing on the fundamentals of a strong marriage, as modeled through the love of Jesus and as reflected in Scripture. Our goal will be to describe the heart of Jesus and apply it to familiar marriage contexts, offering some new perspectives on how we can approach the relational challenges and opportunities in marriage out of a healthy and loving heart-space.

We will also set up a number of heart reflections for the Lenten season - reflections that will encourage us to consider how we’ve embraced (or not embraced) our marital relationship in the past, and to look forward to a relational resurrection and renewal with our spouse to accompany the resurrection and renewal celebrated in Easter.

Life Group Signups

We are getting things ready for the Fall Launch of our life groups at Holy Trinity. If you are not currently a part of a life group and are interested in participating in a life group community, please fill out this electronic form created by Pastor Chris Stroup:

Pastor Chris will be compiling the responses and matching people up with existing groups and will be creating new groups as needed. If you have questions or need additional information, please reach out to the Church Office.


The COS Anglican Network (comprised of Holy Trinity and IAC churches) is hosting a joint service and picnic at Bear Creek Regional Park on September 4. The service begins at 9:30 AM. The picnic follows.

Thank you to all who have volunteered to help with the event. We can always benefit from additional hands to help with setup, coordination and teardown. Please RSVP and sign up to volunteer for this event! Sign up and RSVP online here: