Thursday Spotlight: 7 July 2022

Reminding Reminders

Not to be too repetitive, but please keep in mind:

Backpack Bash: The deadline for the Backpack Bash is next Sunday. Please bring your donations - backpacks and school supplies - to the Church next week (or next Sunday), so we can get them to COSILOVEYOU in time to be included in the distribution to school kids and youth. More information is available on the website at

HTAC WORK DAY: Our day of Church property cleanup is coming soon! On Saturday morning, July 23rd, we'll be doing a variety of projects to spruce up the grounds around the Church. Please mark your calendars and plan to be here for this shared investment of time and effort in our Church property.

Beyond Rescue is a 12-week discipleship program that offers a safe and supportive context in which to examine and understand our relational and/or sexual struggles and open ourselves to healing and freedom from the bondage of unhealthy and disordered choices. For more information about Beyond Rescue and to download the program application materials, visit the Redeemed Seasons website at this URL: