Weekly Update: 26-31 July 2022


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)

Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome)

Sunday 9:30 - 10:45 AM: SINGLE SERVICE Sunday in the Sanctuary - Eric Chesney preaching

Sunday 11:00 - 12:30: Church-wide Potluck Brunch: Everyone welcome in the Fellowship Hall and the Annex. Bring a "brunch" food item to share with our Church family.

Hebrews Readings

Through the summer, we are reading, as a congregation, the Book of Hebrews in its entirety, covering roughly one chapter (or so) a week. The Sunday sermons will focus on a particular passage (selected by the person preaching) from the larger portion of Hebrews assigned to that week. For this week, our Hebrews reading will be:

Hebrews 6:13 to 7:19

HTAC Yard Work Party


Thank you to everyone who braved the heat and pitched in to help with the Church cleanup project day on Saturday, July 23. We made great progress on the weeding and the tree trimming and other cleanup projects around the property. It was a good morning, and we are encouraged by all that was accomplished.


But there's still a lot that didn't get done on Saturday. So we've scheduled THE SEQUEL to our Church cleanup project day: we'll gather on Saturday, August 13 from 8 to 11 AM to finish the rest of the weeding and other outside work. Please mark your calendars and join us for this final work day of the summer.


SINGLE SERVICE & POTLUCK BRUNCH THIS SUNDAY: Please remember that this Sunday, July 31, is a SINGLE SERVICE at 9:30 AM, followed by a potluck brunch. In all months with 5 Sundays, on the 5th Sunday, we have a single service and a congregation-wide shared meal afterwards. Please bring a breakfast/brunch/lunch food item to share with the entire congregation. Join us for a time of rich fellowship, great food, and wonderful community building following the single service.

MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITY: Carmen and John Thigpen will be going to Costa Rica from November 28 to December 10 with YWAM Guanacaste to teach Wilderness First Aid and CPR, along with distributing Bibles. If you are interested in participating in this missions trip, there are slots available to join the Thigpens. Reach out to Carmen for details.

BEYOND RESCUE - Relational Healing Program: The application deadline for the 12-week Beyond Rescue program is coming in a couple of weeks. This relational healing and discipleship program is being offered on Monday evenings, starting on August 22nd, by Mark and Christy Summers, through their ministry, Redeemed Seasons. If you are struggling in any way with relationship issues, either with God or with others in your life, please consider this powerful discipleship experience. More information is available, along with an outline of the program content, on the Redeemed Seasons website at www.redeemedseasons.org.

LABOR DAY WEEKEND JOINT SERVICE and PICNIC: Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 4. We will be "doing church" at Bear Creek Regional Park at 9:30 AM in partnership with International Anglican Church (IAC). This is the second year of our annual joint service and picnic to celebrate and support our joint church-planting efforts through the COS Anglican Network. PLEASE fill out our online RSVP form and let us know whether you will be attending and whether you can support this event as a volunteer. The RSVP Form is found at THIS LINK.