Weekly Update: 14-19 June 2022


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)

Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome)

Sunday 8:30 - 9:45 AM: Sunday "Classic" Anglican Communion Service in the Sanctuary - Eric Chesney preaching

Sunday 9:55 - 10:35 AM: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom

Sunday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM: Sunday "Modern" Anglican Communion Service in the Sanctuary - Eric Chesney preaching

Sunday 11:00 - 11:35: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom (same content as earlier class)

Preaching Series - Hebrews

We are beginning this Sunday an extended preaching series from the Book of Hebrews. The series will run into early October.

Each Sunday sermon will draw from a large segment of the letter (usually about a chapter). The person preaching each week will invite us to focus on a portion of that week's larger reading - the verses they feel the Holy Spirit has emphasized in their preparations.

The theme of the letter to the Hebrews is "the absolute supremacy and sufficiency of Jesus Christ as revealer and as mediator of God's grace." (NIV Study Bible, Introduction: Hebrews.)

Eugene Peterson writes about Hebrews: "The focus becomes clear and sharp again: God's action in Jesus. And we are free once more for the act of faith, the one human action in which we don't get in the way but on the Way." (Peterson, The Message, Introduction; Hebrews.)

Please spend some time in this wonderful book of the New Testament. Our first sermon in the series will be presented by Eric Chesney, Church Plant Apprentice, and will come from Hebrews 1:1 - 2:4.