Thursday Spotlight: 7 April 2022

Refugee Ministry at Holy Trinity

Real Needs; Real Opportunities to Make a Difference

Are you interested in helping refugee families in the Colorado Springs area make a strong and healthy transition to their new life in the United States? There are several opportunities available NOW to be a welcoming hand and the love of Jesus for several specific individuals already planted in our community.

We are aware of several specific individuals who would benefit from time, expertise, and physical skills applied to their particular circumstances.

We have a number of current opportunities and connections, and we are developing others in our Refugee Ministry at HTAC. If you are interested in helping one of these individuals or in hearing more about other opportunities that may be arising, please reach out to the Church Office.


Holy Week Schedule

Sunday is Palm Sunday, and next week is Holy Week. Please check out the service offerings for Holy Week: Stations of the Cross on Wednesday, the Maundy Thursday service, and three services on Good Friday. The full schedule is available on the Church website at this URL:

Timely Teaching Series Coming in May

We are excited to announce a special three-session teaching series coming in May from Redeemed Seasons Ministries, the ministry founded by Mark and Christy Summers. On three consecutive Friday evenings - May 6, May 13, and May 20 - Mark will be presenting "Navigating Treacherous Waters: Caring for those who struggle with sexually explicit media". This is information that everyone needs: parents, spouses, siblings, friends. You can read more about the class at THIS LINK on the Redeemed Seasons website. We'll be sending out more information about the class in the coming weeks. If you have questions in the meantime, please reach out to the Church Office.