Weekly Update: 26 April to 1 May 2022


All Zoom links FOUND HERE.

Tuesday @ 7 AM: Morning Prayer via Zoom

Thursday @ 9 AM: Women's Bible Study in the Adult Classroom at the Church (all women welcome)

Friday @ 7 AM: Men's Friday Morning Breakfast and Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall at the Church (all men welcome)

Sunday 8:30 - 9:45 AM: Sunday Communion Service with Confirmations in the Sanctuary - Bishop Ken Ross preaching

Sunday 9:55 - 10:35 AM: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom

Sunday 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM: Sunday Communion Service in the Sanctuary - Bishop Ken Ross preaching

Sunday 11:00 - 11:35: Children's Catechesis: Ages 4 - 10 in the Children's Classroom (same content as earlier class)


2022 Walk for Life

The 2022 Walk for Life to benefit Life Network will be on June 4th. Our information and registration booth is located in the Fellowship Hall; please check it out on Sunday. Here are three ways you can be a participant in Walk for Life!

1. Pray! Pray for excitement, registrations, a smooth walk day, that funds raised will go a long way toward cultivating a community that values life.

2. Walk or Run! Register yourself or your family at walkforlife.com, and don't forget to sign up under Pastor Matt's team "Holy Trinity Anglican" so we can see what we can do together!

3. Sponsor! If you are not able to walk or run, a great way to be a part of our team is to sponsor someone who is walking or running. To help you do this, we will be sending links for the fundraising pages of our team of walkers/runners in the coming weeks!

A Special Concert Opportunity

Matthew Clark and the Sweet Ayres ~ Sunday, May 8 at 3:00 PM

Many of you will remember the quartet of musicians who played for the Compline service at Holy Trinity during Lent. These musicians, including Terri Moon (violin), Megan Prahl (harp), Greg Brown (bassoon and hammered dulcimer), and Nancy Brown (oboe, English horn and recorders) are joining with Matthew Clark, a wonderful singer-songwriter, for an afternoon concert of folk-style music that everyone will enjoy, especially mothers!

Tea and refreshments will be served, and Matthew will reveal several songs from his brand new album “Only the Lover Sings".

These musicians have been invited to perform at the C.S. Lewis “Oxbridge” Summer Institute this July and would love to have you come and see what they are taking on the road to Oxford! The concert is FREE, but space is limited so you do need to sign up for tickets ahead of time. The concert will be held in a private garden near downtown, but in the case of inclement weather, the concert will take place at Holy Trinity. Please click the link below to let them know you’re coming!


Another Concert Opportunity

On Saturday, May 7, the Soli Deo Gloria Community Choir will present a free concert at 3 PM, featuring the Faure Requiem and other eclectic offerings in honor of Dr. Robert Molisson.

The concert will be held at the First United Methodist Church on 420 North Nevada in Colorado Springs. Please come to enjoy this outstanding choral performance and to support this group that has been blessing the Colorado Springs community since 1973.

A New Women's Group @ HTAC

We are very excited to pass along the news that a new women's group will be forming in the coming weeks at HTAC.

This group will meet in the evenings for 8 weeks during summer months. With life groups possibly winding down for the summer, having a women's group during the summer seems an effective opportunity to invite women into fellowship together. The group will be open to all the women of the church, Monday evenings from 7:30-9:30 pm from June 13 - August 15. Meetings will be at the home of Laura Laurie, one of the organizers.

The plan is to engage the group in a Bible Study of the book of Hebrews and to spend time together in prayer. If you are interested, please reach out to the Church Office or connect with Laura Laurie or Lesli McMillan.